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November 2023 newsletter

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Global programmebrowse our resources on COP28related topicspublications and resourcesvisit this page for the latest publicationsand resourcescountry updatesBolivia |Indonesia | Kenya | Paraguay|Tunisia Events and opportunitiessee our past and upcoming eventsin this editionNovember, 2023 newsletterNovember 2023 NewsletterThis year, the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the UNFramework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) willmeet for the 28th time. The COP comes together annually toreview the implementation of the UNFCCC, which has theultimate goal of limiting human impact on our climatesystem..The COP is an important opportunity to connect the VCAalliance and our local partners with platforms, donors, NGOs,governments and other relevant actors that add value toVCA. Reaching out and connecting with these stakeholdersallows us to expand our networks, achieve our objectivesand raise local voices and the achievements of actions onthe ground.Visit our website for a list of events VCA will participate in atCOP28.Additional resources on COP-related topics are included inthe Global Programme section.Local partner roundupmeet our local partners in Tunisiaand Kenyastories of changeread stories from Bolivia and Tunisiaour updates include news, views,book launches and videos published

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November 2023 NewsletterIncrease the knowledge andcapacities of key actors withrespect to the opportunitiesoffered by participation atCOP28 to achieve effectiveparticipation.Promote the effectiveparticipation of representativesfrom the global south anddemocratise knowledge andopportunities.Familiarise delegates andparticipants with theproceedings and issues to beaddressed during the COP28.VCA, Impulsouth and ResilienceHub hosted an informationalwebinar on the relevance of theUnited Nations FrameworkConvention on Climate Change andthe opportunities for delegates, civilsociety interaction and advocacy.In this webinar, we aimed to:1.2.3.Recordings in Spanish, French,Brazilian Portuguese and BahasaIndonesia are available on the VCAwebsite.Climate Finance 101: Session 1The VCA convened the first session of a two-part dialogueseries to collectively explore the challenges andopportunities climate finance presents and the potentialadvocacy avenues at various scales.In this first session, key contributors with experience inclimate finance shared their knowledge, and those new toclimate finance were invited to learn and contribute to thisquickly evolving field of practice.The session recording is available in English and French,Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and Bahasa Indonesiatranslations.ONLINE EVENT: HOW TOEFFECTIVELY ENGAGE AT COP28Climate Finance 101: Session 2This second dialogue event aimed to create a safe space foropen and honest reflection about what has worked andwhat hasn’t worked so that we can better understandtogether how to operate within and advocate forimprovements to, climate finance mechanisms.The session was recorded in English and simultaneouslyinterpreted into French, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese andBahasa programme

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November 2023 NewsletterVCA hosted an information sessionentitled “Introduction to GlobalAdvocacy: A Guide for Beginners”,where we explored, guided by anexpert, effective ways to advocatefor a sustainable future and combatclimate change.This gathering was speciallydesigned for those participating inCOP for the first time.The event recording is available onthe VCA website.VCA’S INTRODUCTION TO CLIMATEADVOCACY: A BEGINNERS GUIDEHivos: An explainer on loss and damageThe United Nations COP28 climate summit starts at the endof the month in Dubai and is expected to be about onething in particular: Loss and Damage. But what does thismean? And how can it be used to achieve climate justice?Find out in this Hivos explainer.VCA INFORMATION SESSION: LOSS AND DAMAGEFINANCEIn this session, speakers explored opportunities for civil society engagement on loss and damagefinance and focused on these issues from the perspectives of climate-affected communities. Inaddition, this session aimed to inform the VCA network of opportunities to influence the loss anddamage finance processes and kick-start the VCA engagement on L&D.Experts on loss and damage engaged in the UNFCCC processes, affected community representatives,the global programme, and the VCA regional teams will be brought in to deliberate on theopportunities for influencing the UNFCCC process and develop VCA’s position on loss and damage.The event was recorded in English and interpreted in Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, BahasaIndonesia and French.

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November 2023 NewsletterIn response to the growingissue of limited access towater in Bolivia, especially inrural areas, JubileoFoundation, with thesupport of Avina Foundationunder the framework ofVoices for Just ClimateAction conducted the first series of dialogues: "Dialogueamong Faith Communities of Chaco - Water for Life." Theevent aimed to address threats to food security and thedaily lives of inhabitants in the Bolivian Chaco regionaffected by water scarcity and other challenges such asdeforestation and mining activities. Read more…country updatesSATRIFO APPLICATION: A TOOL FORFOREST FIRE MANAGEMENT INBOLIVIACurrently, there is a high demandfor information and the use ofdigital technologies by techniciansfrom municipal and departmentalgovernments in Bolivia for themonitoring and early alert of forestfires. This led the Amigos de laNaturaleza Foundation, with thesupport of the Avina Foundationunder the framework of Voices forJust Climate Action, to enhance theSATRIFO application through adiagnosis and analysis of needs inmunicipalities, protected areas, andprioritised volunteer firefightinggroups. Read more…BoliviaDialogue among faith communities: addressingwater scarcity challenges in Bolivia's ChacoRegionBolivian Youth Presents National Declaration onClimate ChangeIn Bolivia, the Local Conference of Youth (LCOY) was held forthe fourth consecutive year, marking the most significantyouth conference on climate action in various parts of theworld. The event brought together over 100 youngindividuals from across Bolivia to craft a national declarationaddressing climate change and propose an agenda foraction led by the youth. Read more…Download the app here:

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November 2023 NewsletterIn September, the Bolivian Platform against Climate Change (PBFCC) inalliance with the Bolivian Platform for Action on Climate Change (PBACC)launched the training program "Climate Influencers", which aims to trainand provide the necessary tools to men, women and young people in thecountry to raise awareness, inform and influence civil society on the climatecrisis and actions to address it. Read more...From October 23 to 27, Climate Week was held in Panama, where NardyVelasco, Cacique of the municipality of Roboré, participated, thanks to thesupport of WWF Bolivia. This space seeks to establish itself as a place ofeffective multi-stakeholder articulation to address the effects andconsequences of climate change and promote regional transformationstrategies for the abandonment of extractivist systems and the preservation ofnature, culture and welfare of the people. In addition, thanks to the alliancewith the AVINA Foundation, Nardy could participate in the Resilience Hub,where she shared her local knowledge and the challenges ahead.On October 26 and 27 in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, the National Meeting ofIndigenous and Native Peoples was held, where the participants stated 26resolutions, among which they demanded respect for their territories, theirself-determination, the repeal of the "incendiary laws" and the change ofthe extractivist production model to a forest economy. Read the fullresolution.In September, different civil society organisations met to complement theProposal for a Climate Emergency Law to promote participation andmotivate the awareness and mobilisation of civil society in the framework ofprioritising the climate agenda in the current context. This proposal ispromoted by the Bolivian Platform for Action against Climate Change,which comprises more than 50 civil society institutions and is supported byWWF Bolivia.CLIMATE INFLUENCERS Climate week in Panama! National Meeting of Indigenous and Native PeoplesDraft National Climate Emergency LawThe Bolivian Platform Against Climate Change (PBFCC), in the frameworkof capacity building for adults and youth, conducted workshops in themunicipalities of Ascención de Guarayos, Urubichá and Santo Corazón,department of Santa Cruz, from September 15 to 27. Topics addressedincluded indigenous peoples' rights, women's rights, their own norms andprocedures and the climate crisis (causes, effects, and alternatives). Theworkshop was attended by environmental managers from the trainingprogram developed by CIPCA Santa Cruz, with the support of WWFBolivia.Workshop: Indigenous rights and climate crisis

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NEXT-LEVEL GRANT FACILITY - NLGFNovember 2023 NewsletterThe small grant funds for NbS were launched in August, and now, in October,the 15 selected projects have been selected. These projects contemplatewater management and quality actions, adaptation and resilience to climatechange, and biodiversity conservation, focusing on sustainability andcommunity participation. The selected organisations will implement theirinitiatives with the support of Fundación Socioambiental Semilla paradesarrollar Iniciativas de Soluciones Basadas en la Naturaleza (WWF Bolivia).Full details here...At the beginning of November, the calls for proposals were launched to access theopportunity and emergency funds through the Bolivian Platform against ClimateChange (PBFCC). These funds aim to support initiatives and concrete activities oforganisations, groups, individuals and/or legal entities in situations of vulnerability toclimate change; for early action and emergency response, applications are currentlyopen. More information here...We experienced an exciting partner workshop at VAC Bolivia a few days ago!More than 30 participants from different cities of the PACHA landscape(Pantanal Chaco) came together to dive into the world of Storytelling andphotography. It was a day full of inspiration and learning, where our valuedpartners used a powerful tool to share their stories and achievements,demonstrating the positive impact we are making together. At VAC Bolivia,from WWF Bolivia, Fundación Avina and SouthSouthNorth, we believe in thepower of stories to inspire and connect.SMALL GRANT FUNDSPARTNER WORKSHOP AT VAC BOLIVIA - TELLING STORIESThe workshop "Use of Digital Tools to Strengthen Entrepreneurship and ReduceWomen's Vulnerability to Climate Change" was held in October.This event covered topics such as financial education, basic cell phone photographyand the use of digital tools in the municipality of Roboré through an alliance betweenthe Departmental Government of Santa Cruz through the Departmental ClimateChange Program in coordination with the Gender Department, the Bolivian Platform Digital tools and women in the face of climate changeThe event, held October 9-11 in Bogota, brought together more than 300 young activistsfocused on driving meaningful change in the region, including Mijail Masai, one of theBolivian spokespersons committed to climate action.Mijail Masai addressed crucial issues, from loss and damage to biodiversity, finance, andlocal climate agendas. His participation reflects not only individual determination butalso the collective spirit of Latin American youth in defense of the environment.MIJAIL MASAI: A YOUNG BOLIVIAN ARRIVES AT RCOY IN COLOMBIA Against Climate Change (PBFCC), the Bolivian Platform for Action on Climate Change (PBACC), the CentralIndigenous Chiquitana Amanecer Roboré (CICHAR) and with the support of WWF Bolivia.

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Journalists Play an Important Role in BringingClimate Change to the Public's AttentionOn Thursday, November 2nd, the C4Ledger Consortium andthe Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Kupang, EastNusa Tenggara (NTT) had a theme discussion emphasisingclimate change. The room was filled with enthusiasticparticipants.During the opening event, Djemi Amnifu, Chairman of AJIKupang City, emphasised the importance of this activity toincrease the competence of journalists in the region. Hespecifically mentioned NTT, a region that often experiencesdrought, which impacts every aspect of people's lives. Read more...The October Declaration: A Joint Initiative to Anticipatefor the Impacts of ClimateChangeThe C4Ledger Consortium, one ofthe VCA Indonesia alliance partners,conducted joint discussionsconcerning El Nino and effortstowards climate resilience.The October Declaration, anagreement and work commitment,was the outcome of the discussionsthat occurred from the 4th to the5th of October. A collaborativecommitment between parties onclimate mitigation and adaptation inEast Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Provincewas sought to acquire an overview ofEl Nino and its impact on NTTProvince due to climate change asperceived by various parties. Read more…November 2023 NewsletterFishermen, farmers, and breeders in Kupang Cityand Kupang Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, arethreatened by severe winds and droughtThe impact of climate change on the livelihoods and way oflife of every sector within East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) society issubstantial. In addition, Kupang City and Kupang Regencyare currently under a drought alert and have extremely lowprecipitation projections.As per the results of a rapid assessment carried out byC4Ledger in two sites on September 2023, the El Ninophenomenon has significantly influenced the lives ofindividuals. Read more…indonesia

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Knowledge is power, information is liberation and Educationis the premise of progress. This summarises a success storyabout the blessing of Climate Change Coping andAdaptation Strategies among Young Women in Rusingaand Mfangano project accords through the County ClimateAct 2021.The nationwide development of the Ward Climate ChangePlanning Committee saw two women fronted and trainedby Women’s Empowerment Link (WEL) take the seat hometo join the nine-person committee to address ward-basedchallenges brought about by climate change. Rose M’Kauta of Murongo Women Group from Mfanganoand Victorine Atieno from Rusinga from Daughters of Zion Women Group were among the Womenelected to their Wards.These were women who initially would not have envisioned themselves in such spaces. However, theyhave developed a strong urge for transformation in their respective wards as they took on the mantleand mandate to influence change through the passed Bill. In partnership with Akina Mama Wa Afrikaunder the Voices for Just Climate Action (VCA) programme, WEL ensured that women’s voices wereequally heard in the decision-making spaces to advocate for climate justice in the devolved society.WEL is a great opportunity for society to address women’s vulnerabilities in rural and low-income urbansettlements by mitigating the effects of climate change and confronting other forms of injustice in thecounty.The project aims to help women disproportionately affected by climate change due to socio-economicand political marginalisation. Moreover, WEL has played an important role in minimising ignorance dueto lack of representation. The information gap among the marginalised in society has been unnerving,especially from county governments to women at the grassroots level. However, thanks to WEL’slinkage, the flow of disseminated information has improved.The programme has proven potent over the past year with motivated consistency in advocating forwomen’s inclusion and representation in climate change mitigation and decision-making spaces at theward and county levels.Some of the roles the committee is mandated with include coming up with the ward adaptation plan,participating in county planning and budget activities and supporting the community in developingclimate change proposals.With voted confidence, WEL nominees nominated into the Ward Climate Change Planning committeewill positively impact the community, especially after WEL has been at the forefront to ensure that thepeople do not down their tools until the fight for climate justice is achieved.WEL expressed their gratitude and have faith that the women will undertake the duties entrusted tothem by the committee and will keep on the fight for climate justice.November 2023 NewsletterWomen’s Empowerment Link’s mentees chosen asrepresentatives in the Ward climate changecommittee CountyKenya

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Presidente Hayes.The organisation ProIndigenous Communities(PCI) built an ecologicaldrinking water plant in thetown of Remansito. Thegoal is to continue theirresearch on optimising ecological systems for drinking waterfor indigenous and rural communities in the Chaco.This system uses biofilters with layers of stone, sand, graveland macerated charcoal to provide drinking water withouthaving to use chemicals such as sulfate. Additionally, the organisation emphasised that the low cost ofinstalling, operating and maintaining the filtration system allows it to reach more communitieseffectively.Puerto Casado. More than 80 indigenous beekeepers,artisans, and horticulturists participated in the“Chaco/Pantanal Biocultural Exchange Days” fromSeptember 13th to 15th in Puerto Casado, Alto Paraguay.Under the motto “Intertwining cultures and territorialmanagement strategies to foster indigenous and ruralcommunities resilient to the effects of climate change ”,participants sought solutions to strengthen, train, andempower organisations at the national and internationallevels. Read more...In this video, local partners sharetheir diverse actions andapproaches to address thenegative impacts of climatechange. Their testimonies covertopics such as nature-basedsolutions, indigenous knowledge,environmental education, climatefinance, active youth participation,and critical media's importance.These testimonies providecompelling evidence of how VCA'snetwork of partners functions as astrong support system, building amultiplier effect that facilitates theexpansion of these valuableinitiatives to different localities,multiplying its influence and reachat national level and beyond. The testimonies were collectedduring the 2nd VCA PartnersMeeting in July.November 2023 NewsletterparaguayTestimonies from local partnersDrinking Water for RemansitoBiocultural Exchange in the Paraguayan Chaco

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Boquerón. The ParaguayanOrganisation forConservationand Sustainable Development(OPADES) organised the firstTrails Camp for Women.The activity occurred in theNational Park ‘Teniente Agripino Enciso’, from October 23rdto 27th. Read more…Women on the Chaco TrailsNovember 2023 NewsletterChaco Central. The alternativemedia outlet El Otro País (TheOther Country) made a series ofpublications about indigenouspeoples and the significance of therole of women in the fight for theirterritories and the preservation oftheir language in two communities:El Estribo and Abisai.The cases are presented in a seriesof narrative chroniclesaccompanied by podcasts andshort reel-type videos on socialmedia.The materials recount stories linkedto the defence of environmentalrights in the face of climate changefrom the perspective of nativecultures. The following women arethe protagonists of the stories: LinaLópez Gómez, leader of the PaloSanto community of the Enxet SurTown of El Estribo in IralaFernández and Cintia Davalos,leader of the Abisai community ofthe Manjui town in MariscalEstigarribia. Read more...Let's Listen to Stories fromthe ChacoMaranhao, Brasil.In September, the AvinaFoundation and Emancipa,SSN's local partner inParaguay, accompanied themeeting of VCA partnerorganisations in Brazil. The Amazon and the Chaco MeetThrough this experience, these organisations learned moreabout the initiatives implemented in the Amazon. Theexperience also served as a platform to identify actions thatcould be shared to collaboratively promote the work in theChaco.Gelga Guainer, a young leader of the Western Guaraní people and member of the Articulation ofIndigenous Women of Paraguay (MIPY), also participated in the event. She spoke about the work doneby MIPY to promote young leadership and indigenous women's leadership.

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For years, daily life on the islandof Djerba has been punctuatedby water cuts. In response toglobal warming and waterstress, the Association Jlij for theMarine Environment hasinvested in restoring fsegui,public water cisterns datingfrom the colonial era. Read more…November 2023 NewsletterTUNISIABochra Taboubi (b. 1993) wasone of the artists on display atthe Resistance Climate andArt Festival from October 1 to 7at Gabes Oasis in Tunisia.Supported by Hivos’ Voices Just Climate Action programme, the festival hosted artistswho use different art forms to discuss the meaning ofclimate justice. Bochra’s exhibit ‘Cluster of Matter’ takesvisitors to the mining town of Métlaoui, once a rich site forfossils, but now a devastated landscape because ofphosphate mining. Read more...An interview with Bochra Taboubi, who displayed herexhibition at our Resistance Art festival in Tunisia. Djerba: Restoring «Fsegui», A Response To WaterScarcityResistance Climate and ArtFestival Tunisia: aftermovieHivos organised The ResistanceClimate and Art Festival in theTunisian city of Gabes, known for itsoasis. The festival was organisedtogether with DCS - DanseursCitoyens Sud,#stoppollutionmovement, CollectifCréatif Tunis and the Observatoryfor Food Sovereignty andEnvironment. During the festival,participants showcased their workand discussed the meaning ofclimate justice.Watch a theatre group from thetown of Hajeb el Ayoun perform adystopian play about how waterscarcity plagues their homes. Artistic Bootcamp September 2023“Danseurs Citoyens Sud” orchestrated a socially significantart boot camp that unfolded from September 11 to 17, 2023,at NO Name Artistic Studio Lab. Central to this immersiveexperience was the overarching theme of “climate justice,”with a particular focus on addressing the environmentalchallenges faced by marginalised areas. What made this initiative even more powerful was thecollaboration with influential organisations such as “Hivos,” the “Collective Creative” association, the“Stop Pollution” movement, and the “Observatory for Food Sovereignty and the Environment.”Read more…On the 6th of October 2023, an insightful panel discussion took place at the secondary venue ofDanseurs Citoyens Sud in Jara Gabes, centred around the theme “Engaging Art in the Climate JusticeCause.” This event served as a platform for addressing the critical issue of climate justice through thelens of art and culture. Read more…Panel discussion: Engaging Art in the Climate Justice Cause

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November 2023 NewsletterPartnership with “Houloul” Project (specialised inwriting policy briefs and papers)Video 2D(Local Climate Planning)Forging a collaborative alliancewith an entire project proves moreadvantageous than relying solelyon an individual expert.This preference is rooted in therenowned reputation of theHouloul team within theenvironmental sphere in Tunisia,ensuring their valuable assistancein advocacy efforts. See more…Partnership with Yaluna MagazineYalune is an online platform that disseminates information tothe Tunisian audience, including environmental contentacross their social media, website, Instagram and TikTok.This collaboration involves the creation of two awarenessposts regarding access to environmental information and oneinformative video.This video defines Local ClimatePlanning and explains itsimportance.Workshop on Access to Environmental Informationwith “I Watch” organisation"I Watch" is recognised as aprominent organisationdedicated to promotinginformation access in Tunisia,particularly in the fight againstcorruption. Essential detailsextracted from their resourceshave been incorporated into thepolicy paper. See more...Camp Tabarka and 3ejjaClimatique Camp (Borj Cedria)Partnership with VCA partnersHivos-AMWA (TYI-FinaKlima- OSAE-APEDDUP), ATPNE Korba.A video recap of the adventure inTabarka Melloula on October 7th and8th. Meeting with parliament deputies in Tunis and participating in apanel discussion with deputies and local stakeholders in Kef“I have established clear and regular communication channels with the projectteam members, external partners, and local stakeholders" - Imen Jebri Said, “Resilient Cities Project Coordinator, Beja City

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Halima Omri, a 45-year-old local farmer from theKesra region in Siliana, North West Tunisia,currently heads the Women’s Group forAgriculture Development (WGAD) named “ElAmal” for two terms. Read more...November 2023 NewsletterStories of changeQuidian Román Samaricha, Ana María Tomichá,Marisol Román and Dayana Espinoza travel on footevery day to the mountain range where they grewup: Motacusito. Read more...Nardy Velasco and her fight for natural resources.She is from San Manuel community in Roboré -Santa Cruz, Bolivia.Women and water in the PACHA landscape:Pantanal - Chaco. A place that was struggling withwater problems.local partner roundupThe "Fe.Na.Klima- Gender & ClimateFinance in Tunisia" project, initiatedby the Tunisian Youth ImpactAssociation (TYI), seeks to evaluatethe connection between localstakeholders involved in climatefinancing at the local level, with aspecific focus on rural women.

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November 2023 NewsletterThe story of Sharon Kamau from Women'sEmpowerment Link highlights the criticalrole that communication officers play inaddressing the intersection of climatechange and vulnerable communities.In her collaboration with Akina Mama waAfrika, Sharon is actively engaged in the"Climate Change, Coping, and AdaptationStrategies among Young Women in Rusingaand Mfangano Islands Project". She is abeacon of positive change, illustrating howcommunication can be a powerful tool forempowerment and resilience in the face ofglobal challenges.Nawaat, as a local partner contracted underSSN in the VCA programme, aims tocontribute to the involvement of the mostimpacted and underrepresentedcommunities in climate just solutions forTunisia.Using creative concepts, Nawaat is theleading independent media in Tunisia withan extensive track record in creatingalternative media narratives related to socialmovements, environmental preservation, andhuman rights and has a proven track recordof mobilising the right partners andcommunities for creative storytelling andamplifying voices around pressing socialissues. publications and resourcesAsunción. Emancipa Paraguay, SouthSouthNorth’s (SSN) local partner, launched itsfirst local newsletter. This edition summarises news about achievements andactivities locally in Paraguay between September and October 2023.The newsletter is written in Spanish and provided in PDF format. The aim is to reachgreater visibility to the VCA, work with and connect local partners, enhancecapabilities, and facilitate alliances between organisations. Download thispublication.A Newsletter to Connect PartnersMisahat podcast episodes from the artistic bootcampPhysical expression and theatre at the service of environmental causes The importance of Visual Arts in depicting the environmental dilemma with a plugPerforming Arts and their role in translating pressing issuesPhotography as a creative and fact-revealing workThe role of art and citizenship in raising environmental issues

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Policy Paper on The Access toEnvironmental InformationDownload in French or ArabicNovember 2023 NewsletterPolicy Brief on LocalClimate PlanningDownload in French or Arabicarticle: local climateplanning in tunisiaDownload articleThis guide has been developed by the Tunisian Youth Impact Association under theFe. Na Klima project, "Gender and Climate Finance in Tunisia," in collaboration withAkina Mama wa Africa as part of the VCA programme. Tailored specifically for localpartners, it aims to deepen their understanding of climate change and genderdynamics, equipping local communities with the knowledge and skills necessary toadvocate for climate justice. The guide comprehensively covers information on howlocal civil societies can access climate funds, particularly benefiting rural and Asianwomen and enhancing their resilience in the face of climate change. Stay updatedas the guide is soon launched; follow us on Tunisian Youth Impact's social mediachannels for more information.Guide for Local Actors in the Field of Climate Change and Genderevents and opportunitiespast eventsOctober: Art, feminism and climate justice in Brazil - Hivos and its Voices for Just Climate Action(VCA) partners organised a climate festival in São Luís do Maranhão, bordering the Amazonrainforest. Read more...November: National meeting of indigenous youth for forests: Integrating youth in the sustainablemanagement of forests.November: Forum "Building Climate Narratives: Challenges and Opportunities with an inclusiveview".November: National meeting of indigenous women - CNAMIB

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November 2023 Newsletterupcoming eventsThe Observatory for Food Sovereignty and theEnvironment organises its fourth Food Sovereignty andEnvironment Days (JOSAE) and invites you to participateactively.The JOSAE is a five-day, four-night trip with theparticipation of activists, researchers, journalists andstudents. Starting from Tunis, passing through Zaghouanand arriving in Tamerza, the JOSAE will follow a uniqueitinerary that offers the ideal conditions for mutually enriching meetings between participants, actors,and actors from the rural world, first and foremost, peasants. Throughout this journey we aim to bringparticipants to observe and analyse closely the environmental problems related to agriculture, foodsecurity and the climate emergency.On the program, we will have round tables around experts, activists and peasants, including producersengaged in agroecology, artists and journalists, screenings- debates, conferences in the presence ofresearchers and activists engaged in the «struggles» for food sovereignty, as well as workshops,exhibitions (Photos, local seeds, agricultural products...) and meetings with local actors.The event will take place over 5 days and 4 nights from November 29 to December 3, 2023.29 November - 3 December: Food Sovereignty and Environment journeyDecember: Forum "Sustainable finance and entrepreneurship: Perspectives for a green future".

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VCA is set to effect the amplification of locally-shaped climate action and play a pivotal role in the global climatedebate. For more information about the programme, our agenda, and how to collaborate with us or if you haveinspiration or tips, please contact us at or visit our website present a complaint related to the VCA programme you can write to grievance@voicesforclimateaction.orgor use the grievance mechanisms of the individual Alliance partners. Please indicate the reasons for yourgrievance, date of occurrence, proposed solution and contact to follow up.#JustClimateAction. Together.Share this newsletter to inspire your networkSubscribe to get regular updates on how we work.Follow us on Twitter , Linkedin and youtube@WeAreVCAwww.voicesforjustclimateaction.orgNovember 2023 NewsletterWant to contribute to the newsletter? We are always on the lookout for new engaging content. If you havesomething to share, whether it is a story, a piece of research, an opinion piece or a great photo, reach out to Karen Morris at