GLOBAL PROGRAMME UPDATESread about our experiences at COP andour lobby advocacy effortspublications and resourcesvisit this page for the latest publicationsand video resourcesfrom our countriesBolivia | brazil | Indonesia | Kenya |Paraguay| Tunisia | Zambia Events and opportunitiessee our past and upcoming eventsin this editionin this editionin this editionMarch 2024, editionMarch 2024 EditionLocal partner introductionmeet our local partners in Tunisiaand Boliviawelcome to VCAmeet our newest team members in VCAthese include achievements, news,blogs, stories and event updatesReflecting on 20232023, the warmest year on record, saw a surge in extreme weatherevents, with vulnerable communities around the world bearing thebrunt. The worst droughts in the Amazon’s history struck theTapajos region in Brazil, while severe floods affected the regions ofPara and Acre, causing major material and personal losses, isolatingcommunities, generating waterborne diseases, and destroyingbiodiversity. Amidst these mounting challenges, the resilience of climate justicemovements shines through as a beacon of hope. These movementsare not only growing but also uniting globally, actively protesting,campaigning, and lobbying for change. In 2023, despiteencountering increasing resistance as many states deliberatelycurtailed spaces for climate activism, these movements continuedto stand strong, (Civicus, 2024). For the VCA Programme, these political and social contexts havecreated opportunities for us to leverage and influence. In Tunisia,while political progress on climate change may seem relativelystagnant, civil society is stepping up to fill the gap by responding tothe needs of the vulnerable communities on the ground andadvocating for government plans, such as regional climate changeaction plans. The announcement of COP30 being hosted in Brazil in2025 has sparked a movement of CSOs strategising and partneringto ensure the inclusion of Indigenous People’s perspectives into thedebates and agenda, and in the Netherlands, VCA collaborated withseveral lobby groups, including the Internationale Klimaatcoalitie,de Groene 11 and Partos, to influence policymakers.In 2023, the VCA programme embarked on a mission to influencethe public agenda. It aimed to raise public awareness about climatechange and its impacts and to involve local people or theirrepresentatives in climate debates and policy processes. Theprogramme's efforts resulted in significant outcomes, which weinvite you to explore in this edition. We showcase highlights fromour implementing countries, demonstrating the tangible impact ofour work.
The III Bolivian Congress on Climate Change, Water Securityand Non-Carbon Benefits was a resounding success. InAugust, with the participation of 500 participants,representatives from 8 countries, 52 committed organisationsand the realisation of 90 enriching presentations, this eventmarked a significant milestone. WWF Bolivia, as an activemember of the Steering Committee, is proud to have sharedvaluable knowledge generated in the Bolivian Pantanal, witha special focus on the community of Motacusito and the GAMPuerto Suarez. We are also excited to have provided our support to the"Accelerator of Youth Initiatives 2023" (SSN - WWF Bolivia -Fundación AVINA), collaborating in its methodology andhighlighting the innovative proposals presented bycommitted young people.In Bolivia, the fourth Local Conference of Youth (LCOY), an event promotedby VCA Bolivia, with the joint support of WWF Bolivia and AVINAFoundation, brought together more than 100 young people from all over thecountry to create a national declaration on climate change and propose ayouth-led action agenda.The declaration generated at LCOY addressed five key issues: energytransition, climate justice, biodiversity conservation, climate finance, andyouth empowerment. It highlighted the importance of considering youthvoices in climate change decisions at the national and international levels.After the conference, the youth presented the declaration to the Bolivianenvironmental authorities, who committed to disseminating the agenda ininternational climate negotiation spaces. In addition, this proposal was alsotaken to RCOY2023 in Colombia, LACCW 2023 in Panama and COP28 inDubai.An exciting milestone in the heart of the BolivianPantanal! In June in Motacusito, women leadersexemplified the power of information.Following research by the Puerto Suarez MonitoringCenter, they discovered essential water recharge zones andtook the lead in ensuring the protection of their environment. With support from local partner SBDA, theyestablished a protected area, boosted habitat conservation, and promoted local eco-tourism. This inspiringstory highlights how women's voices can catalyse conservation and significantly impact the preservation of ourplanet (WWF Bolivia). More on this here…March 2024 EditionThe first community-managed protected areain the Bolivian PantanalboliviahighlightsIII Bolivian Congress onClimate ChangeLCOY Bolivia 2023This joint work between PBACC, WWF Bolivia and Fundación Avina demonstrates the power of collaboration topromote youth participation in climate action at national and international levels.More on this here… This congress has been a space for learning and exchange and a platform for concrete action, thinking about amore sustainable and conscious future with our environment.
March 2024 EditionAfter hosting Outcome Harvesting sessions with localpartners, VCA Brazil brings you some of the programme’shighlights in 2023Climate justice incorporated intonarratives and practices ofAmazonian civil society, influencingpublic policiesMore than 70 participating organisations incorporate practices and narratives of ClimateJustice, some for the first time, and the termbecomes a common repertoire for dozens ofother actions in the Legal Amazon;Associations of quilombola, indigenous,youth, and Amazonian women have incorporatedactivities and narratives linked to climatejustice themes based on territorial experiencesand have expanded their capacity to influencepublic policies in actions to confront theclimate and environmental crisis.Improvement of defense mechanisms,territorial protection, and participation indecision-making spaces on climate policiesand financing.Presentation of a bill on agroecology and organicproduction through a participatory process of familyfarmers in Morros - MA;Creation of the Popular Observatory ofSociobiodiversity and Climate Policy inMaranhão State;Civil society in Tocantins participates in adirect action of unconstitutionality (ADI) againstthe threat of new permissive environmental legislation;Movement of activists from Tapajós communities inPará mobilizes against hydroelectric dams."Vozes do Tocantins" Coalition has been admitted asAmicus Curiae by the Court of Justice of the State ofTocantins (TJTO).The strategy aims to mobilize USD 121 million.over the next 3 years to finance bioeconomysolutions in the regionEngagement and advocacy processesfrom local to global throughcommunitary communication:Quilombola voices and demands impactthe agenda of the Internet GovernanceForum in JapanSupreme Federal Court declaresunconstitutional the law that easedthe issuance of environmentallicenses in TocantinsVCA Brazilcollaborates withthe Amazon 21 Institutein building a strategy to promotesustainable bioeconomy businessesin the Amazon.Two community initiatives part of the#ShareInformation #ShareDemocracy project,besides receiving training and support from thenetwork for producing information related toenvironmental justice, took part in discussionsand implemented concrete actions related tohow Internet governance impacts theirterritories.brazilhighlights
March 2024 EditionWomen and youth indigenousleaders have broad and growingparticipation in COP 28.Municipal Climate Forum ofBelém, the biggest city in theAmazon, is institutionalized, andone of VCA's organization iselected to assume a seatOn July 27, 2023, the mayor of Belém, EdmilsonRodrigues, signed the decree establishing theBelém Climate Change Forum, the first of itskind in a capital of the Legal Amazon. TheJandyras Network directed activities for theimplementation of the ForumYoung people and women fromthe Extractivist Reserves ofAcre strengthen a grassrootsclimate activism network in thestateThe Movement for PopularSovereignty in Mining (MAM)creates a LGBTQIA+ Collective.Campaign created by 28 indigenous,extractivists, and quilombola organizationsfrom Acre, Rondônia, and the Tapajós regionconnects the importance of forest peoplesand climate change, promotingengagement and awareness for the causewithin local territories.The Amazons Alliance unitesgrassroots movements fromthe Amazon and prioritisesactivism in local territoriesThe conference in Dubai had the largest delegationof indigenous peoples from the Brazilian Amazon atCOPS.Workshops on communication and artivismfocused on climate change involvecommunity associations and also promoteinstitutional strengthening and financialautonomy for organisations.The collective mobilizes oppressed andmarginalized individuals on gender issues toharness their potential as activists andadvocates.
March 2024 EditionSlum Dwellers International and Muungano wa Wanavijiji participated in the 2023 Nairobi Agricultural Trade Fair,which was themed ‘Promoting Climate-smart Agriculture and Trade Initiatives for Sustainable EconomicGrowth’. Exhibitors were meant to showcase how they enable environmental sustainability in their dailyoperations and how they align with the theme. The fair also meant sharing and celebrating the great ideas andinnovations in pursuit of sustainable solutions to climate change. More on this here…3-day communicationsworkshops in nairobi and siaya2023 Nairobi Agricultural Trade FairIn August 2023, SSN VCA's local partnersArid Lands Information Network (ALIN) and the Pan African Media Alliance for Climate Change(PAMACC), in collaboration with communicationteams from Slum Dwellers International (SDI),facilitated three-day communications trainingworkshops in Nairobi and Siaya. These workshops tookplace from 16-18 August and 28-30 August respectively.Over the three days, participants learned whycommunications matter in VCA, why media is important,and about mobile journalism. They also learnedtechniques for using their mobile phones to captureimages for storytelling, how to use Canva to designInstagram and X (formerly Twitter) posts, and how todevelop skits for alternative and engaging messaging usingtheir mobile devices.The workshops closed with participants eager to apply their learnings and showcase their work in VCA. Thisvideo summarises the workshop in Nairobi. Read more about the Siaya workshop in this blog...Paraguayan congressmen back down and shelve billthreatening national parkIn June of 2023, after a broad debate and citizen demonstrations favouring environmental protection, theChamber of Deputies of Paraguay finally rejectedand archived the bill that threatened the Médanos delChaco National Park.The bill, which was supported by several congressmen fromthe ruling ANR party sought to prospect for and exploithydrocarbons in this protected wildlife area in northern Paraguay.kenyahighlightsparaguayhighlights
March 2024 EditionThe tireless struggle for ancestral landsAlthough the proposal was shelved, the threat against the park continues, as some legislators announced thepresentation of a new, similar document. On the other hand, environmental organisations and indigenouscommunities expressed their rejection of the project, which endangers the park's diverse flora and fauna.This area is also inhabited by the Ayoreo people in voluntary isolation. It corresponds to the headwaters of theTimane River, which is essential for the life of the Alto Chaco.TRINATIONAL MEETING OF THE GRAN CHACOWOMEN'S COLLECTIVE: Female power andresistance, from the heart of the ChacoFrom 3 to 7 July 2023, 200 indigenous and ruralwomen from Paraguay, Argentina, Bolivia and Brazilmet to debate and share experiences. During intenseand valuable days of listening, reflection and dialogue,they discussed strategies for facing the impacts ofclimate change in the South American Chaco.The meeting was held with the slogan "Our territory is our home: Towards just climate action in the SouthAmerican Gran Chaco". Throughout these five days, they spoke of the importance of their territories, where theycarry out their lives and where they are historically the protectors of ancestral knowledge and the environment.Read more…The Tekoha Sauce community, located in Alto Paraná, Paraguay,continues with the legal process in the eviction lawsuit itreceived from the Itaipú Binacional hydroelectric dam. VCA'slocal partner, the Federation for Self-Determination ofIndigenous Peoples (FAPI), has supported this case for years.On 23 November 2023, the Civil and Commercial Court of FirstInstance of Turn XIX, in Asunción, issued Final Ruling No.512/2023, rejecting Itaipu's eviction lawsuit against the Saucecommunity.The binational entity appealed the ruling for the purposes of itstreatment and resolution before the Civil and Commercial Court ofAppeals assigned to it. According to the representatives of FAPI, amplelegal reasons support the confirmation of the S.D. in favour of the community.
On December 6, 2023, the G3CA team organised a workshop in Silianaentitled "Women Associations: Issues and Prospects for TheirEmpowerment and Development." This workshop was specificallyfocused on the constraints faced by rural women, with particularemphasis on climate challenges.Participants actively discussed the pressures exerted by changingweather conditions on their livelihoods and communities. Fromdroughts to floods to periods of extreme heat, these women face constantchallenges. However, this workshop also explored climate solutions to mitigate the impact of these conditions.Discussions were held on adopting more resilient agricultural practices, accessing suitable and sustainableresources, as well as the need to enhance the capacities of rural women to address climate challenges. Thus,the workshop paved the way for initiatives aimed at strengthening the role of rural women in combating theadverse effects of climate change and promoting their empowerment and development.March 2024 Edition‘Women Associations: Issues and Prospects forTheir Empowerment and Development’ workshopNew article: Land grabbing and renewableenergy investment The working group for energy democracy has produced anew article (Arabic) on land grabbing and renewable energyinvestment in the south of Tunisia.This article was produced in collaboration with the VCA team(Hivos) and the Legal Agenda.Summer Debates Camp and the Grand DebateDuring the week of 20 December to 25 December 2023, the Ifriqiya Association organised a transformativeexperience for 19 participants hailing from 19 diverse regions across Tunisia. This immersive journey occurred atthe International Center of Scouts Borj-Cedria, providing an ideal setting for an in-depth exploration of climatechange.Over five days, participants in the "Summer Debates Camp" tackled topics such as the right to access water andsanitation services, agriculture, food security and sovereignty, and urban pollution while honing their debatetechniques.From December 26, the spotlight shifted to Tunis Science City as two victorious teams from the SummerDebates Camp advanced to the "Grand Débat." Held at the prestigious Al-Khawerezmi auditorium, the teamstackled the question, "Is Tunisia capable of achieving a just energy transition?" This high-profile event attracted over 40 participants from various backgrounds, including journalists, mediapersonnel, students, and NGO representatives. Read more about these two events.tunisiahighlights
It’s been three months since the United Nations FrameworkConvention on Climate Change’s 28th Conference of the Parties(COP28) at Dubai’s Expo City in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).Expectations had been high ahead of COP28 on progress onnegotiations on sustainable food systems, particularly as the UNFood Systems Summit, UN 2023 Water Conference, and theCOP28 Presidency had committed to achieving net-zero, nature-positive, and resilient agri-food and water systems. Unlike theprevious COPs, there was a significant increase in the importanceof sustainable food systems. Read more…Successes at COP28The "Keep Your PromiseCampaign" represents agroundbreaking initiativededicated to enforcing globalaccountability for commitmentsmade under the Paris Agreement.Moreover, demanding not onlyaccountability but also increasedfinancial support for the Africancontinent.March 2024 Editionupdates from Global programmeIncreasing Importance of Sustainable FoodSystems during COPAn event titled "Artivism for aResilient Future: DemocratizingScience and AmplifyingAlternative Voices Through Art"was organised by HIVOS as part ofthe VCA programme. This eventaimed to galvanise and fortify theclimate justice movement byemphasising inclusivity, creativity,and innovation. Read more about these twoactivities in this two-pager.Site visits in Kenya and ZambiaWe make reports, develop videos, and conduct interviews to tellthe stories from the ground, but there is so much happeningwithin the VCA alliance. Sometimes, you have to see it with yourown eyes to grasp the impact of our activities, to learn where westand, and to tackle better the problems that prevent us frommaking even more impact. That is why the WWF office in theNetherlands travelled to Kenya and Zambia.They visited a crucial wetland ecosystem in Zambia and theMathere River in Kenya. These waters are crucial for biodiversity,and the people who live nearby depend on them for watersupply, fishing, and agriculture. But they are highly polluted.Under the VCA programme, lobbying is being done to drawattention to these problematic waters and work on solutions.The most important takeaway while visiting the sites: “Togetherwith the alliance, we are making a bigger impact than alone.Our voices are stronger when we raise them together!”. WWF Netherlands visited Mumbwa (rural Zambia, inland). Nature-based Solutions, such as awater check dam system, are being implemented there to promote water and food security.This is inspiring the partners to lobby for replication in other regions of the country.
VCA empowers young people to play a crucial role infighting for fairness in climate issues. It specifically supportsand links youth groups in each of its 7 countries to lead inlobbying efforts and take practical steps to address climatechange. However, there is still a lack of clear evidence ofreal, collaborative action between different regions. Thismeans that VCA wants to benefit from the fact that youngpeople in the North are often close to decision-makers inclimate finance. There's an opportunity here for youth fromthe North to highlight shared concerns and help amplifythe voices of those from the South in important policydiscussions and program decisions. To tackle this issue, WWF-NL is hosting a dialogue in April that brings together dozens of young people at theforefront fighting for climate justice and various stakeholders. This dialogue is crucial for identifying andcommitting to specific actions for collaboration in the Netherlands. It aims to ensure that young people'sperspectives are included in discussions about biodiversity and climate adaptation, paving the way for asustainable and fair future. Moreover, this dialogue sets the stage for another meeting in May, where youngpeople from the North and the South come together in the Netherlands to plan for COP29 collaboratively.March 2024 EditionDutch youth fight for climate justice© Annemiek Smidts / WWF-NetherlandsInternational youth meet-up in MayVCA is dedicated to exchanging knowledge, spanninglocal initiatives to global cooperation and diverse realmsfrom nature conservation to collaborative legislativeefforts. And what better way to facilitate this exchangethan through live interaction? VCA will host a meet-up in the Netherlands where youthrepresentatives from all the VCA countries will cometogether. During this meet-up, the spotlight will be onyouth leadership and sustainable entrepreneurshipwithin nature-based solutions and community-ledenterprises in conservation. This event aims to showcasethe abundance of local green and climate solutions within the VCA network that have proven effectiveness and scalability.Over the course of three days, attendees will have the opportunity to embark on exciting field trips to explorethe landscapes of the Netherlands, engage in meaningful discussions with VCA Youth and externalstakeholders, and collaboratively develop a Youth roadmap to COP29. This roadmap will serve as a vital linkconnecting Dutch Youth with the broader VCA Youth network.Would you like to know more? Contact © David Bebber / WWF-UK
from our countriesUntil 2021, only 14 of the 180 vessels dedicated to gold extraction in the Madre de Dios River (atributary of the Beni River) were operating legally. Illegal miningin the Beni River and its tributaries has disastrous consequencesfor the environment and the entire population in the area.Read more…With a length of almost 1200km, the Beni River is asignificant Bolivian river in theAmazon basin, second influvial importance. Aftergathering water fromnumerous tributaries, itmerges with the MamoréRiver to give rise to the sourceof the Madeira River.The Beni River is recognised as a rights-bearingentity before the Bolivian stateStrengthening the conservation of protectedareas in Bolivia: Leaders for Life NetworkThe National Service of Protected Areas (SERNAP) hasintroduced the "Regulation of the Leaders for Life NetworkProject" in a joint coordination proposal with the Foundation forthe Development of the National System of Protected Areas(FUNDESNAP). The project, submitted by the SERNAP PlanningDirectorate, aims to strengthen the conservation and promotionefforts of the country's protected areas. Read more…INTERGOVERNMENTALCOORDINATION CRUCIAL FORADDRESSING CLIMATE CHANGEBoliviaLa merma de los peces mata lasubsistencia en el PilcomayoMore on this here...ACCESO INVESTIGATIONResistir en el Pilcomayo: metalestóxicos amenazan la salud de losWeenhayekMore on this here...La explotación ilegal de oroincrementa la contaminación delrío PilcomayoMore on this here...March 2024 Edition
The Platform for Action Against Climate Change PBACC) has announced its priority focus for thecurrent year: coordinating with other youthorganisations and gathering input to strengthen itscurrent program, with the purpose of influencingother spaces of climate decision-making.PBACC representatives highlighted the importance of collaborating with other entities to expand their impactin the fight against climate change. Read more…PBACC Prioritises InterorganisationalCollaboration to Impact Climate ActionIn the territory of GAIOC - Charagua Iyambae in Santa Cruz is located inÑembiguasu, the second largest conservation area in the American Gran Chacofor them, the young people of the School of Indigenous Journalism - EPI hasdeveloped a short film showing the threats to which it is subject because it hasbeen reported a worrying increase in deforestation in this area, which represents athreat to biodiversity and indigenous communities that depend on theseecosystems.Ñembiguasu Conservation AreaThe community of San Salvador arises in the Municipality of Puerto Suarez in themiddle of the Bolivian Pantanal. Among its virgin forests is a hidden natural treasure:the totaí (Acrocomia aculeata), a place that has been cared for for generations. InDecember 2023, the activities in the San Salvador community took an exciting turnthrough the Las Caluchitas Association (of women users of totaí derivatives), led byMaritza Cayú Chuvez. Read more…Pedagogical forest is born in the PantanalMarch 2024 EditionThe small grant funds for NbS were called in August, and the 15 selected projectswere selected in October. These projects contemplate actions related to watermanagement and quality, adaptation and resilience to climate change, andbiodiversity conservation, focusing on sustainability and community participation.The selected organisations will implement their initiatives with the support ofFundación Socioambiental Semilla para desarrollar Iniciativas de Soluciones Basadasen la Naturaleza (WWF Bolivia). More details here…Small NbS Grant FundsThe School of Indigenous Journalism - EPI celebrated the graduation of 15 newindigenous journalists certified by the Ministry of Education. These graduatesrepresent an important step in strengthening communication and therepresentation of indigenous voices in the media and society in general.Graduates of the School of Indigenous Journalism
This 1st debate forum brought together a diversity of voicescommitted to addressing the challenges of climate change andexploring solutions for a sustainable future. Leading experts such asEduardo Franco Berton from Fundación Socioambiental Semilla,Elías Caurey from ORE, and representatives from Nur Universitycame together to share their knowledge and experiences.This event made possible through collaboration between NurUniversity, WWF Bolivia, Fundación Avina and SouthSouthNorth,highlighted the importance of building strong climate narrativesand promoting environmental awareness. Read more...1st Debate Forum "Building Climate Narratives:Challenges and Opportunities withan Inclusive View"The 1st Sustainable Financeand Entrepreneurship ForumThe event was a success thanks tothe active participation of expertsand enthusiasts committed to asustainable future. Panellists such asAdita Montano, Nathaly Yovhio, SissiAñez, Ronald Martinez, andAlejandra Caballero shared valuableinsights to drive concrete actionsagainst climate change.This event, organised by UTEPSAUniversity, WWF Bolivia, AvinaFoundation, and SouthSouthNorth,reaffirmed the importance oflistening to and acting on localvoices in building a more prosperousand sustainable world for all.March 2024 EditionStudents from the School ofIndigenous Journalism—EPIparticipated in an exchange ofexperiences in Roboré, exploringtopics such as indigenous lawand audiovisual communication. These types of activitiescontribute to the cultural and professional enrichment of theparticipants and strengthen the network of indigenouscommunicators in the country.Exchange of experiences of the School ofIndigenous Journalism - EPIDuring COP 28, the Bolivian delegation made significant progress inpromoting key national and international positions. The activeparticipation of Juan Carlos Alarcón Reyes of the Bolivian PlatformAgainst Climate Change (PBFCC) and Willma Mendoza, president ofthe Confederation of Indigenous Women of Bolivia (CNAMIB), in theelaboration of proposals for the Indigenous Caucus resulted in theapproval of a position resolution, which was read at the opening ofCOP 28, thus highlighting Bolivia's commitment and significantcontribution to the fight against climate change.In addition, in a bilateral meeting between CANLA's advocacy teamand the Bolivian head of delegation, the main positions of civil societywere presented, focusing on crucial areas such as Loss and Damage, Just Transition, Finance and Global MitigationTargets. This initiative allowed for a constructive exchange of ideas and strengthened Bolivia's voice in the climatenegotiations.BOLIVIA AT COP 28
March 2024 EditionCOP das Baixadas gathersdebates, leisure, art andactivism in the Belém and inthe Amazon3rd edition of Megafone Activism Awards receivesmore than 1000 subscriptionsThe third edition of the MEGAFONE ACTIVISM AWARD 2024 takesplace in March and April 2024. It is an initiative of the MegafoneCoalition, composed of the organisations Pimp My Carroça,Instituto Socioambiental (ISA), Engajamundo, SumaúmaJornalismo and Associação Intercultural de Hip-Hop Urbano daAmazônia (AIHHUAM). Read more…Climate change devastatesnature and causes injustice andhuman suffering in far too manyparts of the world. ActivistConceição Amorim sees it in hercity Imperatriz, at the edge of theAmazon rainforest. There, she hasbeen advocating for humanrights for over forty years. She coordinates the Padre JosimoCenter for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights.Hivos talked to her about how the climate crisis affects Imperatrizand what the Cent er is doing about it. Read more…Climate activists in their own words: ConceiçãoAmorimAn insider’s view on just climate action in BrazilIn the city where COP 30 istaking place, in 2025, acoalition of popular movementsfrom the peripheries of Belémand the region held the secondedition of COP das Baixadas,an advocacy movement tostrengthen narratives in defenceof the Amazon, climate justice,and social justice for theperipheral territories and theirpopulations.The conference (or ‘deconference’,as it is referred to sometimes) isan effort to bring together theperspectives of the peoples of theAmazon in their plurality of ways oflife in order to claim their rights andto collectively think and build theconference they want in theAmazon. Read more…Paula Moreira is a programmemanager at Hivos in Brazil. Sheruns our Voices for Just ClimateAction (VCA) programme,working with local communitiesto make their voices heard innational and global discussionson the climate crisis.Hivos talked to her about climate change in Brazil, how it affectsits people, and the work Hivos is doing to fight it. Read more…brazil
March 2024 EditionHelping fishing communities inIndonesia cope with climatechangeYasinta is part of Majelis Nelayan Bersatu, a fisherfolk association that fights for the rights of fishing communitiesaround the Indonesian city of Kupan. Yasinta has no doubts: the daily problems fisherfolk face are the directconsequence of a changing climate. “Nowadays, it’s extremely difficult to take the boats out to sea. The winds are unpredictable and the waves aresky high. The unpredictability of the weather is totally linked to the climate crisis.” Read more…indonesiaIn Tanah Papua, despite abundant natural resources, a quarterof the population (total population of 5.5 million) lives in poverty.Malnutrition among children is rising, and living conditions areharsh due to external exploitation of their natural resources.Climate change exacerbates these issues with extreme weatherevents like floods. Yet, women from 26 villages, affecting almostthe lives of 15,000 villagers, are joining forces to enhance theirresilience.Resilient Women in Tanah Papua Through the Voices for Just Climate Action (VCA) programme, they exchange knowledge and gain skills insustainable production, income generation, and nature conservation. Generating more sources of income meansbecoming less dependent on agriculture (and natural resources), which empowers these communitieseconomically. Read their story… The Story of Andika PlantingSorghum in the Land of RocksAndika, a 26-year-old sorghum farmer,proudly shares his story on his social mediaaccounts. He cultivates sorghum, a versatilefood crop that is facing a decline in numbersand recognition. Andika’s home is TapobaliVillage, an area known as the Land of Rocks,nestled within a natural fortress of rocks onthe south coast of Lembata Island, East NusaTenggara (NTT). His story is one of resilience in the face of adversity. Read more...
March 2024 EditionKenyaWomen Transforming KaktemoLandscape from Dirty Shores toBlooming OrchardsIn a reassuring tale of success, a group of determined elderly women from the Boundary Women Group inKaktemo has played a fundamental role in a remarkable transformation of their local landscape. Their motivationstemmed from distress over the deplorable state of their beach, which was surrounded by barren hills andmarred by improper waste disposal. The women, who rely on fishing and farming for their livelihoods, embarkedon a series of cleanup efforts at the beach. Read more…Half of Kenya's 47 counties will continue to benefit from a programme that empowers all community membersto deal with climate change impacts. The Voices for Just Climate Action (VCA) programme, implemented inKenya in 2021, brings together global and local voices by collaborating with grassroots organisationsrepresenting women, youth, people living with disabilities, indigenous people, urban poor, and digital activists.The counties benefitting from the programme include Bomet, Homa Bay, Kajiado, Kilifi, Kisumu, Kwale, Lamu,Makueni, Marsabit, Nakuru, Nairobi, Narok, Siaya, Turkana, Mombasa, Kwale, Kajiado, Samburu, Kakamega,Marsabit, Garissa, and Wajir. To showcase the efficacy of locally-based climate solutions, VCA Kenya, in partnership with Muungano WaWanavijiji and supported by SDI, issued a call for applications for innovative urban climate solutions in informalsettlements in Nairobi, Nakuru, and Kisumu counties. Continue reading…Community groups now lead the climate change fightBiupe Innovators is a group located in the heart of Mukuru, oneof the biggest informal settlements in Africa. Started in 2011 withonly 63 members, it was certified in 2012 and now has 15 activemembers. Despite being a small group, Biupe is known forleading locally-led solutions in their community, and the group isinvolved in urban farming, poultry farming, waste management,advocacy for climate change, tree planting, and communitycleanups. Read more about this...Biupe Innovators: Youth in Mukuru Taking Leadin Locally Led Climate Solutions
March 2024 EditionparaguayBinational meeting in ParaguayThe binational team that implements theVoices for Just Climate Action project inParaguay and Bolivia held their annualmeeting in Paraguay.From 19 to 22 February, representatives ofFundación Avina, WWF-Paraguay,WWF-Bolivia and SouthSouthNorth/Emancipa Paraguay participated in this meeting.The objective was to present opportunities and plan joint activities at the binational level, with a view to 2024 and2025.In the framework of the project Voicesfor Just Climate Action in Paraguay, acall has been launched forundergraduate, master's or doctoralthesis students whose thesis work isfocused on promoting the generationand dissemination of socio-environmental information in thecountry's Western Region. Research inother regions on the same topics,which adequately justifies the link withthe project or whose scale is of nationalrelevance, may be considered.Eligible areas of research includeclimate justice, nature-based solutions,climate change adaptation andmitigation, climate finance or otherassociated research, with a particularfocus on proposals that include genderand equity issues.On 19 March, Gelga Guainer,representing the Articulation ofIndigenous Women of Paraguay(MIPY), participated in the roundtable "Women on the front line of the fight against the climatecrisis and in defence of theenvironment", in the frameworkof the second edition of theCOP Das Baijadas. The event washeld in a hybrid format from18 to 20 March in Belém do Pará, Brazil.Regarding her virtual participation, Gelga explained that she was ableto compare the Amazonian territory and the American Gran Chaco,commenting on the differences and, above all, the rich diversity offauna and flora that also exist in the region.She also took the opportunity to comment on the situation that isbeing seen about climate change and how it affects thesewomen in the indigenous communities and the processes being doneto discuss these issues within the communities.MIPY works in their territory, addressing issues such as payment for environmental services, the impact on handicrafts,and the environmental and social impact of major road works being developed in the Chaco.Scholarships for theses inParaguayParaguayanrepresentation at theCOP das Baijadas
Maps to visualise the scope of VCAMarch 2024 EditionThrough coordinated work between Fundación Avina, WWF-Paraguay and WWF-Bolivia, two maps weredesigned to identify the scope of the VCA project in these two South American countries.These maps show the localities in which activities are being developed within the framework of the project and,additionally, one shows the location and coverage of the telecentres that have been promoted by the AvinaFoundation for several years and through which the voices of these communities can be heard more clearly andforcefully.
On February 22, 2024, Tunisian YouthImpact (TYI) met with Rade’s localstakeholders, where they delved intoenvironmental challengesand discussed their Carbo'Des project.The main goal of this project isTYI to select a specific aspect,calculate its carbon footprint, andmitigate harmful emissions. View the highlights from this event.TUNISIACarboDes project supported by SSN andimplemented by Tunisian Youth ImpactDry udder, Dry cattleLarge livestock breeders may findsolutions, albeit patchwork ones, toovercome the effects of drought andthe high feed cost.From Tastour in the northwest of thecountry, Aunt Shalabiya narrates herdaily struggle to cling to her land andthe remaining cows.March 2024 EditionMigration: In El Faouar, ClimateChange Is Pushing Locals OutEl Faouar, Kebili governorate: The lack ofwater, encroaching sand, plummetingrevenues from date palm production, Agricultural Land, EndangeredAgricultural lands make up 62% of Tunisia’s total surface area.However, over 20 million hectares of these lands disappear yearlydue to erosion and urbanisation. The social and environmentalconsequences of this dual phenomenon are irreversible.Read more…COP28 : La Tunisie Face AuxPromesses ÉoliennesThe energy transition is nothappening equitably between thecountries of the North and thecountries of the South,” declares a specialist. What can we expectfrom COP28 when the CEO of an oil company chairs it?Continue reading this article published by Nawaat.and inability to invest in lands to make them arable have put muchof the local population in an impossible situation. With little or nohope left for the future, many locals are leaving El Faouar, searchingfor new horizons. More on this…From Ashes to Hope:Melloula’s CalamityFollowing the devastating fires inMelloula and the losses suffered bylocal residents and the ecosystem,the Gender, Climate Change andCommunity Adaptation visited thevictims, particularly women, tosupport them and shed light on theirdaily lives through artistic creations.Read more...
Climate change is one of our most pressing global challenges,impacting communities, ecosystems, and economies worldwide. Itrequires immediate and comprehensive action at all levels ofsociety. Amidst this challenge, women have emerged as pivotalactors in driving locally-led climate solutions. Their leadership,resilience, and innovation have proven instrumental in combatingclimate change while fostering sustainable development in theircommunities. Read more…zambiaWomen Shaping LocallyLed Climate Solutions:Unveiling the Power ofthe Women’s Federationin KanyamaMarch 2024 EditionAddressing deforestation in Zambia: The Role ofTraditional Leaders and Sustainable SolutionsZambia is grappling with apressing issue: the loss of anestimated 0.8% of its forestsyearly, which translates to 250,000to 300,000 hectares annually.Women and youth taking up the mantle todemand gender equality and socialaccountability amidst climate changeIn the quest for gender equality and social justice, it is imperativeto acknowledge the intertwined relationship between climatechange and gender disparities. Women and youths, especiallythose in vulnerable communities, often bear the brunt of climatechange impacts while simultaneously having fewer resources andopportunities to adapt. Read more…Adopting climate-smartagricultural techniques inZambia's Bunda BundaDistrictIn this video, local community farmersin the Bunda Bunda area of Rufunsadistrict are adopting climate-smartagricultural techniques to enhancefood security and resilience amidstchanging weather patterns.Their testimonies highlight how theVCA programme in Rufunsa, through alocal partner, the Zambia Alliance forWomen (ZAW), is engaging with thelocal communities to supportagroecology and organic farmingmethods to reduce the reliance onchemical inputs to promotebiodiversity.Their testimonies were collected duringa field exposure in Rufunsa organisedby Panos Institute Southern Africafollowing a media training on climateaction storytelling for journalists inLusaka.Various factors, includingagricultural expansion, charcoalproduction, bushfires, and a lackof awareness, drive this alarming rate of deforestation. Theconsequences are dire, as identified by the World Wide Fund forNature (WWF), an alliance member of the Voices for Just ClimateAction (VCA) programme. Read more…
The urgency to comprehend and effectively communicate thecomplexities of climate change has never been more crucial.Climate change is one of our most pressing global challenges,demanding increased public and media attention. Media plays acrucial role in shaping public perceptions, influencing policydecisions, and fostering collective action, thereby underscoringthe intricate relationship between media reporting on climatechange, the power of storytelling, and the impact of field exposureon journalists in capturing locally-led climate actions. Read more...Enhancing Media Reporting on Climate Change:Climate Action Narratives from RufunsaMarch 2024 EditionEmpowering Women, Bridging the Gender Gap inClimate Education: A Catalyst for Climate Justicein Luangwa DistrictIn the Eastern Province ofZambia, Luangwa districtis a region emblematic ofthe interconnectedchallenges of climatechange and genderinequality. As temperatures rise andEmpowering communities toadapt to climate change,Luangwa District, ZambiaIn this video, the local farmers inKatondwe mission in Luangwa districtshowcase how women in Katondwe arespearheading efforts to adapt andthrive in the face of climate-relatedagricultural disruptions. From theirtestimonies in agroforestry toconservation agriculture, the KatondweAlliance of Women (KAW) group sharehow they apply these practices tomitigate the effects of climate changeand enhance agricultural productivityand food security.Their testimonies highlight how thewomen are actively getting involved indecision-making processes andaccessing land and resources. Throughthese initiatives, they are dismantlingtraditional gender roles and fosteringgreater gender equality within themainly fishing and farmingcommunities.Their experiences were collectedduring a site visit and town hallmeeting organised by Panos InstituteSouthern Africa in Katondwe mission inLuangwa.Access to clean and reliablewater sources are aconstant challenge in manyrural communitiesworldwide. Chikankatadistrict, like many otherregions in sub-SaharanAfrica, faces the harshrealities of water scarcity, exacerbated by climate change andinconsistent rainfall patterns. Read more…Local communities co-creating locally-led watermanagement systems for integrated farming inChikankataweather patterns become increasingly erratic, the impacts are felt most acutely by marginalised communities,where women and children often bear the burden of the adverse effects of climate change. Read more…
Nomad08 / Tunisian Observatory of Water is aTunisian not-for-profit association founded inNovember 2012. It is dedicated to contributing to,influencing, and monitoring the fulfilment ofnational and international commitments by allstakeholders in the sector. Nomad08 focuses onimproving rural and urban communities' access towater and sanitation services. Additionally,Nomad08 actively advocates for water issues,emphasising its significance as a fundamentalhuman right.The Bolivian Society of Environmental Law(SBDA) is a civil organisation whose mission is topromote, promote and strengthen environmentalpolicies in the country within the framework ofsustainable development, access to informationand the generation of citizenship. SBDA orients itsactions towards promoting sustainabledevelopment, being part of the network ofpromoters of the SDGs, involving the publicsector, the private sector, and the population ingeneral.local partner introductionwelcome to vcaAndrea Herrera Borja is currently the Coordinator of Communication andCommitment in WWF Bolivia and the VCA Bolivia project. She has a degree in SocialCommunication and did a postgraduate course in Creative Communication at theMiami Ad School in Buenos Aires. Thereafter, she did three international internships inBuenos Aires, Mexico City and Paris. “My main desire to work in WWF lies in the factthat its values resonate strongly with mine since I have always been a great admirerof the diversity that exists in my country, which deepens the desire to protect it andmake every Bolivian and every species that lives here, do so in harmony.”María Fernanda Gutiérrez was born in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. She is currentlyan Assistant in Communication and Marketing at WWF Bolivia and the VCA Boliviaproject. “Since I was a child, I liked everything related to audiovisuals, so I chose SocialCommunication as a university career. I like animals, felines being my favourite. I alsoenjoy sunrises and sunsets since they promise a new day.”March 2024 EditionAlessandra Lobo is the Focal Point for Bolivia of the IUCN Commission on EcosystemManagement CEM/CEM, and the Monitoring and Evaluation Officer within WWFBolivia and in the VCA Bolivia project.She is a professional biologist with a Master of Science and a few diplomas. She hasextensive involvement in management projects, conservation of tropical forests, andecosystem management, focusing on socio-environmental issues and integrated landmanagement with local communities, indigenous peoples, and protected areas. Alessandra has approximately 15 years of experience working in Bolivia and some Latin American countries.
WWF-Paraguay's VCA team has just welcomed a new member - SebastiánRodríguez.Sabastián has worked as a Technical Project Assistant since December 2023. He is anAgronomist Engineer who graduated from the National University of Asuncion (UNA)with a focus on agricultural production. He has experience in cattle ranchmanagement in the Chaco area. He previously worked as a consultant for the "Alliancefor sustainable development" project, also developed by WWF Paraguay.publications and resourcesMarch 2024 Editionyouth stocktake reportThe Youth Stocktake of UNFCCCProcesses is an initiative drivenby the youth that assesses keymilestones, identifies gaps, andaddresses challenges associatedwith youth inclusion ininternational climate policyprocesses.Download your copyVOICES Magazine is a publication of the Voices for Just Climate Action Program (VCA) inBrazil. It is collaboratively produced by representatives from more than 70 grassrootsorganisations, civil society, movements, and/or collectives that make up the 14 Coalitions ofthe programme in the country, as well as partners and guests from Brazil and around theworld who participate and engage in debates, struggles, and actions for climate justice.Check out Issue II of the magazine and share it with your networks to spread the wordabout climate justice!Download the Portuguese and English versionsVoices Magazine - Issue IISince January 2020, Nawaat,SSN’s partner in Tunisia, haspublished its quarterly magazine.Nawaat Magazine examinespolitical developments, socialphenomena, economic issues,environmental causes, andcultural dynamics. Online editionsare available on the Nawaatwebsite.nawaat magazineSSN is thrilled to announce a wonderful addition to its VCA team: NosibabalweSocikwa, the new Junior Project Manager.Nosibabalwe brings with her a wealth of enthusiasm and expertise inenvironmental law, climate justice, and community development. Her passion forthese crucial areas aligns perfectly with SSN's core values, and we are eager to seeher contributions flourish within the team.
Book launch: Tunisian Peasant Narratives on Climate JusticeThe year's first ECOS DE VAC newsletter edition was published in February. In thisedition, you will discover exciting stories about the latest activities carried out by our VACcollaborators!Emancipa produced this publication within the framework of the Voices for Just ClimateAction (VAC) programme, which is implemented in Paraguay by WWF-Paraguay and theAvina Foundation.If you want to collaborate and send content to prepare future editions, contact them your copyThis book is an attempt to explain how rural local knowledge can be a key component ofadaptation and resistance to climate change in Tunisia. Through stories from differentparts of the country, it tries to highlight the everyday practices of small-scale farmersfacing the climate crisis. Starting from local evidence and leading to global syntheses” is the main idea of thebook where we investigate local communities and their local knowledge as a tool toresist climate change.ECOS DE VAC newsletterOrder your copyMarch 2024 EditionWomen and water in the PACHAlandscape (Pantanal - Chaco)Nardy Velasco and her fightfor natural resourcesReport: "Is The water factoryrunning out of water?"
events and opportunitiespast events4-7 March 2024: 38th Green Climate Fund meeting in KigaliThe 38th Green Climate Fund meeting was held in Kigali, Rwanda, where Hivos and other civil societyorganisations were there to push for an accreditation process that is much more inclusive of local institutionsand organisations and to put justice at the heart of the fund’s investments from 2024 to 2027. Why is thisimportant, and how does it work? Read this blog by Collins Otieno titled ‘What needs to happen at the 38thGreen Climate Fund meeting in Kigali’.22 March 2024: World Water DayNomad celebrated World Water Day by organising an exhibition of photos related to water scarcity in Tunisia. Adebate titled “Water in Palestine: From Thirst to Displacement" was facilitated during the event. Speakers fromPalestine, Egypt, and Tunisia were invited to participate online. The event was open to the public and hosted byCollectif Creatif at Dar El Collectif. The event was recorded and is available for viewing.23 March 2024: Earth HourCollectif Creatif, in collaboration with Earth Hour Tunisia Association and WWF North Africa, co-organised anevent on the 23rd of March 2024 at Dar El Collecti, which was open to the public.Collectif Creatif has produced podcasts under the C.R.C.L.E project which is supported by Hivos within theROOM programme. Around 20 podcasts about climate justice, water access and rights, and otherenvironmental issues have been produced. During the Earth Hour event, participants listened to the podcastsand interacted. A little musical show without the use of electricity was organised from 20h30 to 21h30.upcoming events25 to 28 April 2024: Nomad08, in collaboration with several partners, including Hivos, is organising the WaterForum during the last week of April 2024. The event will gather movements, NGOs, CSOs, activists, publicrepresentatives, media, and grassroots organisations to discuss water justice in Tunisia and provide policy briefsand recommendations. The organisers will send an invitation to selected participants. March 2024 Edition16 May 2024: 2nd Forum on Sustainable Finance and Entrepreneurship promoted by WWF Bolivia, AVINAFoundation and SSN18 April 2024: The Training Program for Community Promoters of Environmental Justice, promoted by WWFBolivia, will begin.25 April 2024: 2nd Debate Forum "Building Climate Narratives: Challenges and Opportunities with an inclusiveview" promoted by WWF Bolivia, AVINA Foundation and SSNInternational youth meet-up in May: VCA will host a meet-up in the Netherlands where youth representativesfrom all the VCA countries will come together. During this meet-up, the spotlight will be on youth leadershipand sustainable entrepreneurship within nature-based solutions and community-led enterprises inconservation. This event aims to showcase the abundance of local green and climate solutions June: Applications begin for the new cycle of the NbS Fund promoted by WWF Bolivia.
VCA is set to effect the amplification of locally-shaped climate action and play a pivotal role in the global climatedebate. For more information about the programme, our agenda, and how to collaborate with us or if you haveinspiration or tips, please contact us at or visit our website present a complaint related to the VCA programme you can write to grievance@voicesforclimateaction.orgor use the grievance mechanisms of the individual Alliance partners. Please indicate the reasons for yourgrievance, date of occurrence, proposed solution and contact to follow up.#JustClimateAction. Together.Share this newsletter to inspire your networkSubscribe to get regular updates on how we work.Follow us on Twitter , Linkedin and youtube@WeAreVCAwww.voicesforjustclimateaction.orgWant to contribute to the newsletter? We are always on the lookout for new engaging content. If you havesomething to share, whether it is a story, a piece of research, an opinion piece or a great photo, reach out to Karen Morris at 2024 Edition