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VCA June 2024 newsletter

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GLOBAL PROGRAMME UPDATESread about the experiences shared bythe youth in the Netherlands and ourknowledge sharing event in Cape Townpublications and resourcesvisit this page for the latest publications,policy briefs and articlesfrom our countriesBolivia | brazil | Indonesia | Kenya |Paraguay| Tunisia | Zambia Events and opportunitiessee our past events and the upcominginternational daysin this editionin this editionin this editionJune 2024 EditionLocal partner introductionmeet the three partners Hivos hasonboarded in Kenyathese include achievements, news, blogs,stories and event updatesVCA partner meeting in tunisiaand world environment dayWelcome to the June 2024 VCA Newsletter!Imagine the buzz in the air as VCA members from allcorners of the globe united in Gammarth, Tunisia, for oursecond in-person alliance meeting since our journeybegan in 2021. This meeting showed how much we’vegrown, with strong regional alliances supporting over200 CSOs. With just 18 months left in our programme, we aimed tounderstand our key targets, clarify our processes, andlearn more about our successes, climate finance, locally-led solutions, gender-inclusive approaches, andpartnerships. We discussed ways to make our effortsmore impactful. One of our highlights was World Environment Day,which our partners celebrated with various activities andcampaigns. In this newsletter, you'll read about our achievementsand stories from our countries. Each story is a testamentto our collective efforts in promoting climate justice,supporting local communities, and driving sustainablechange, reinforcing our shared mission and unity. We hope you find these updates inspiring. country highlightssee the events and opportunities thatwere the highlights for our countries

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Country HighlightsFrom October 23 to 27, Climate Week was held in Panama, where Nardy Velasco,Cacique of the municipality of Roboré participated thanks to the support of WWFBolivia.This space seeks to establish itself as a place of effective multi-stakeholder articulation to address theeffects and consequences of climate change and promote regional transformation strategies for theabandonment of extractivist systems and the preservation of nature, culture and welfare of the people. In addition, thanks to the alliance with the AVINA Foundation, Nardy participated in the Resilience Hub,where she shared her local knowledge and the challenges ahead.Climate Week in Panama!Voices for Just Climate Action Kenya Communication TrainingIn the year's first quarter, the VCA alliance partners convened a VCA Kenyacommunication training at Maanzoni Lodge, Machakos County, from March 20thto 22nd, 2024.The aim of the communications training was to build the capacity of VCA Kenya partners on datageneration and knowledge on information sourcing, specifically on what they are doing, locally-led actionsand indigenous knowledge. Through this training, the partners and other marginalised persons wouldhave the capacity to generate and capture data and knowledge and collate it for sharing through the VCAwebsite, newsletters, their own websites, social media, and other communications channels.This engagement successfully trained about 60 VCA partners and other stakeholders in communicationand saw the development of a media toolkit and finalisation of the VCA communication strategy 2024-2025.Hivos has signed a MoU with Radio Son FM for the second season of the weeklyjoint broadcast “Emissions free - Sans emissions”. This collaboration will continueuntil the end of 2024. Episodes from last year and this year are on Sans Emissions |Podcast on Spotify)Hivos signs MoU with Radio Son FM, TunisiaThe fifth episode is available on Ala Mbarki sur LinkedIn. Follow these hashtags: #sansemissions #sonfm#climatejustice #climatechangeaction #greenenergies.The Women's Life and Wellness FoundationThe Women's Life and Wellness Foundation is undertaking a research projectorganised by AMwA's Voices for Just Climate Action to investigate the impacts ofclimate change on food systems. Ms Monica Mukasulwe from Kapongo Ward,Kafue District, Zambia, highlights the severe repercussions of reduced rainfall onour community. "Our agricultural lands are spread out, and depending on a single communal borehole is unfair," says Ms.Monica. "We are advocating for a review of the borehole installation process so that even small groups of2-3 residents can contribute to and benefit from the service.” Find out more on Facebook.

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VCA May Meetup 2024VCA hosted an event in theNetherlands called the May Meetup2024, where (Indigenous) youth andrepresentatives from all VCA countriesgathered to share their experiencesabout the climate solutions they areworking on in their own countries.The young attendees shared thechallenges they face due to the climatecrisis, particularly water-related issueslike droughts and floods, with a panelof key Dutch stakeholders. Theydiscussed the Nature-based Solutionsbeing implemented to tackle thesechallenges in their home countries. They also had the opportunity to tellpotential donors what they need toscale up their activities so that morepeople can become climate resilient.Read more about this event…from our Global programmeVCA Alliance Partners Gather in TunisiaThe atmosphere was electric when VCA alliance membersfrom the programme’s implementing countries gathered atthe second in-person partners meeting in Gammarth, Tunisia. This event, held from 13 to 17 May, provided a fertile ground forpartners to reconnect, reflect, share experiences, engage incross-country and cross-organisational exchanges, andstrategise on how best they can amplify the programme'scollective impacts and the results envisioned by theprogramme's closure in 2025. Read more about this event…The power of South-South collaboration andpeer learning: SSN’s Knowledge PartnerGatheringFrom 26 February to 2 March, the District 6Homecoming Center in Cape Town wasabuzz with excitement, collaboration andideation as, for the first time, SSN, throughthe Voices for Just Climate Action (VCA)programme, hosted an in-personKnowledge Partners Gathering workshopwith our in-country partners from Brazil,Bolivia, Paraguay, Indonesia, Tunisia, Zambiaand Kenya.This gathering of 23 climate activists and thought leaders was not just a meeting but a catalyst for connectingpartners across regions and with local organisations in the context of South Africa to facilitate cross-regionalpeer learning and networks. The gathering fostered connections and sparked impactful collaborations withinthe VCA framework. Read more…June 2024 Edition

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YOuth Link-up podcastIn Zambia, SSN's local partner, Agentsof Change, launched a special podcastepisode for World Environment Dayfeaturing an enlightening discussionwith key stakeholders from theMazabuka District. Episode Highlights: In-Depth Conversations: Theyengaged with community leaders,environmental experts, and localactivists to discuss pressingenvironmental issues facingMazabuka. Sustainable Solutions: Guestsshared innovative strategies andpractical solutions beingimplemented in the district topromote sustainability and combatclimate change. Future Plans: Insights into projectsand initiatives to foster a greener,healthier environment for all.This episode is a must-listen foranyone passionate about theenvironment and interested ingrassroots efforts making a globalimpact.World Environment DayThe Kenya Communication Committee ran an amazing socialmedia campaign around World Environment Day using thehashtags #WeAreVCA #GenerationRestoration. By midday,the VCA hashtag ranked 5th under trending on Twitter inKenya. A huge ‘Well Done’ to the Kenya team!Catch some of their Tweets: @Alineafrica, @WEL2030,@SiayaNetwork, @PacidaKenya, @CleanCookingKe,@KCCWG, @kenya_puppet, @lamuwomenallia1Akina Mama wa Afrika (AMwA) celebrated World EnvironmentDay, the theme of which was land restoration, desertification,and drought resilience. They shared advocacy messageshighlighting the link between the current climate crisis and theeconomic models that promote extractive activities. Read their advocacy messages here.Also, on World Environment Day, Panos Institute Southern Africa commemorated this day with a focus onland degradation. Executive Director of Panos Institute Southern Africa Vusumuzi Sifile called for renewedcommitments and decisive, inclusive, and locally led actions to urgently address the challenges of landdegradation, desertification, and climate change vulnerability that are threatening livelihoods andecosystems across Southern Africa. Read more…June 2024 Edition LISTEN IN

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The VCA programmeparticipated in theII Departmental YouthMeeting for Climate, anevent that broughttogether, over 100 youthfrom differentmunicipalities. They gathered with theaim of strengthening thecapacity of youth organisations in climate change andenvironmental issues and promoting the creation of adepartmental network of youth organisations for climateempowerment in Santa Cruz.This event, led by the Departmental Government of Santa Cruzde la Sierra (GAD SCZ) resulted from a collaboration betweenyouth platforms, local actors, municipalities, and various localNGOs. WWF Bolivia and Fundación AVINA are part of thisfrom our countriesPromoting Youth Participation in SustainableWater Solutions in BoliviaBoliviaThe Gaia Pacha Foundation hasannounced the successfulconclusion of the call for the2024 Youth Water Contest, aninitiative aimed at encouragingactive participation of Bolivianteenagers in crafting innovativesolutions to challenges relatedto water, sanitation, andhygiene.This contest seeks to address critical issues such as climatechange, water conservation, sustainable and ecologicalsanitation, and the adoption of hygiene practices using Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) as a framework. Read more…The Departmental Youth Network for Climate inSanta Cruz, Bolivia is Born!2nd Youth Climate Meeting:What is Climate Change? Whatare the Problems Caused byClimate Change?2nd Edition of the ProgrammeAgainst Climate IlliteracyThe training programme AgainstClimate Illiteracy reached Roboré andis the result of a collaboration betweenthe Bolivian Platform for Action AgainstClimate Change and WWF Boliviawithin the framework of the VCAproject.Participants acquired key skills andknowledge to empower civil society inthe fight against the climate crisis. Weare proud to have had the participationof 25 young people from both rural andurban areas of Chiquitanía, Pantanal,and Chaco.initiative through the Voices for Just Climate Action - VCA programme and Bolivia Youth Community.Together, we are empowering the youth of Santa Cruz to tackle climate challenges.June 2024 Edition

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The 2nd Forum onSustainable Finance andEntrepreneurship wasorganised by the Centerfor Innovation andEntrepreneurship ofUTEPSA University, WWFBolivia, Fundación AVINA,SouthSouthNorth underVCA Bolivia. The project is aimed at ensuring local voices areheard so we can continue building a more prosperous andsustainable future for all.The event featured the participation of the Coca ColaFoundation - Embol, Ganadero Bank, and the Pista8Accelerator and concluded by highlighting the importance ofsustainable finance as a key driver for promoting greenenterprises and generating a positive environmental impact.The perspectives presented offered a clear vision of howresponsible financial practices can significantly contribute to amore sustainable future.2nd Forum on Sustainable Finance andEntrepreneurship: Perspectives for a GreenFuture!Investigation Reveals Contamination Crisis in thePilcomayo River Basin in BoliviaAcceso Investigativo haspublished a series of reportson the Pilcomayo Riverbasins and Bolivia's sub-basins water quality. Thisinvestigation, which hasbeen shared with 23 localauthorities, includingrepresentatives frommunicipalities, governors,legislative institutions in Tarija, Chuquisaca, and Potosí, as wellas Indigenous and peasant leaders, and the Ombudsman,highlights the situation of the Pilcomayo basin and hasimpacted the implementation of conservation measures.Read more…Environmental JusticeCommunity Monitors TrainingVirtual ProgrammeWith over 80 participants, VCAlaunched the Environmental JusticeCommunity Monitors Training virtualprogramme. In collaboration withUniversidad Nur, SBDA, VCA, and WWFBolivia, we are preparing to defend ourenvironment and our fundamentalrights.This programme aims to empowercommunity leaders and members ofenvironmental organisations in theChiquitanía, Chaco, and Pantanalregions. Together, we will protect ournatural resources and promotesustainable management!June 2024 Edition

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The Learning Lessons Meetingof the Emergency andOpportunities Fund of Boliviawith our local partner, COMUNA,was held a few days ago andprovided a space for jointlearning to identifyopportunities and challenges.Additionally, strategies for the long-term sustainability ofprojects developed by local actors to respond to the climatecrisis were identified.Participants emphasised that these initiatives have contributedto local advocacy and identified future actions at national andinternational levels, demonstrating that they are key players inthe fight against climate change.2nd Forum "Building Climate Narratives: Waterand its Transformation Protagonists"municipalities in their fight against climate change. The projectaims to ensure local voices are heard so we can continuebuilding a more prosperous and sustainable future for all.A special thanks to our panellists Ruth Vargas from SemillaSocio-Environmental Foundation, Miguel Jerez from BolivianPlatform for Action on Climate Change, Adita Montaño fromDepartmental Government of Santa Cruz de la Sierra (GADSCZ), and Pablo Guzmán from LIDEMA.We thank every voice that contributed to this valuableexchange of ideas.Lessons Learning Meeting of the Emergency andOpportunities Fund – NLGfAt this event, which wasorganised by the UniversidadNur, WWF Bolivia, AvinaFoundation, SouthSouthNorth,and the Voices for Just ClimateAction Programme (VCA), weexplored the water challengesfaced by young people,women, communities, andJune 2024 Edition

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Environmental activistAlexandra Suruí on theimpacts of climate change inthe Amazon rainforestBrazilian Indigenous People gather in thousandsto protest land rights infringementsLast April APIB and Hivos’ partner COIAB co-organised thelargest gathering of Indigenous Peoples in the history of Brazil.More than eight thousand people from around two hundreddifferent Indigenous ethnic groups attended the twentiethedition of the seven-day “Free Land Camp” (AcampamentoTerra Livre) in the capital Brasília.Hivos has a history of supporting the Free Land Camp, and thistime, the Voices for Just Climate Action programme providedfinancial support to organise the camp and buy food and waterfor the attendees.Throughout the week, people protested against the continuedinfringement of Indigenous People’s rights in Brazil, particularlyland rights. Central to this struggle is the Marco Temporal(Temporal Milestone) thesis, a legal concept that nullifiesIndigenous claims to huge swaths of land. Read more…brazilA social sciences student andenvironmental activist, Alexandra Suruíadvocates for the rights of IndigenousPeoples. Her village, Gapgir, is located inthe Sete de Setembro territory in theAmazon rainforest. She runs an organisation with hercommunity that revives traditionalfarming fields and builds communalchicken coops and fish tanks. Thisensures that Suruí families in the foresthave access to healthy food as well as anadditional source of income.Read more…June 2024 Edition

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introductionUnder the VCA programme in Indonesia, Hivos has beenworking in East Nusa Tenggara, the eastern part of Indonesia,in collaboration with four coalition partners of 18 localorganisations.The region's residents have taken remarkable initiatives inresponse to climate change, showcasing their innovativepractices in adaptation and mitigation. Here are their storiesindonesiaLeye: food security andculture of Hoelea II VillageTanggedu Unafraid, Tanggedu Adapt to DiverseClimatesAmidst the vast savanna ofEast Sumba lies a villagenestled in the valley of hills.Despite the scorching sunand the dry land that seemsto radiate the heat, therestands a refreshing oasis.Hoelea II Village is a village in OmesuriDistrict, Lembata, East Nusa Tenggara.For the Hoelea II Village Community,food diversity is closely related to culture.One way to maintain culture is bypreserving local food sources by thetribes in Hoelea II Village. Leye or jali-jaliis one of the local foods that is stillpreserved today.This story summarises the journey,sustainability stories and food securitychallenges in preserving local food as anadaptation to climate change and thethreat of food insecurity.The Coalition of Young People on Climate Change [KOPI] heldthe fourth climate justice camp for Flobamoratas (GRUF),inviting young people from East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Papua,and Banding to take climate action.This is the fourth time the GRUF camp has been held, this timeat Londa Lima Beach, East Sumba, NTT. This camp aims tobuild networks between communities so that more peoplecare and take more massive climate action in NTT. 152 young people from 12 regions in NTT attended this activity,including representatives of the VCA alliance from Papua andBandung. They are involved not only in the environment butalso in arts and culture, education, children, health, andgender. Read more… Climate Justice Camp for Flobamoratas:Consolidation of the NTT Youth Community forClimate Action Through ArtThis is a small story about the Tanggedu waterfall in EastSumba. Stories about how Indigenous communities thereadapt to the climate and build collective economic strengthbased on the natural environment. Read more…June 2024 Edition

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Consortium for KnowledgeManagement Brokers(C4Ledger) led by theConsortium for ParticipatoryStudy and Development(KONSEPSI) West NusaTenggara, together with theInstitute for CommunityResearch and Empowerment (LP2M) West Sumatra, WaySeputih Conservation Foundation (YKWS) Lampung,TRANSFORM NTB, the East Nusa Tenggara Village Developmentand Empowerment Advocacy Bengkel (APPEK), and theEast Flores Social Research and Development Foundation (YPPS)held a national level dialogue with the Ministry of NationalDevelopment Planning of the Republic of Indonesia (Bappenas)to share information and discuss issues related to increasingcommunity climate resilience.Dr Vivi Yulaswati, MSc, Deputy for Maritime Affairs and Natural Resources of Bappenas, highly appreciated thisactivity and emphasised the need for locally and contextually based solutions, collaboration, and synergybetween sectors and other parties. Read more…In November 2022, the Voices for Just ClimateAction (VCA) programme facilitated astakeholders forum meeting, where all partiespresent committed to optimising their role inpromoting and encouraging a self-segregationwaste-from-home programme (SSW) in theirrespective areas. VCA also advocated for theKelurahan Government and community leadersto monitor and supervise the programme.Since then, the Women Federation (WF), as akey actor in the VCA at the grassroots level has played a significant role in advocating programmeimplementation.A collaborative workshop was held as part of The National Waste Awareness Day 2023 inauguration andadvocation. In the workshop, WF shared their experience and best practices, particularly from the GedongKiwo area, on women’s role and effort to endorse waste segregation action at the household level and analternative solution to overcome the “emergency” situation on waste management. Read more…Climate Witness 2024 film tobe launched in july!What have four individuals in East NusaTenggara, Indonesia, done to adapt,preserve nature, and advocate for#JusticeForEarth? View the film trailer and follow theirinspiring stories and #YourActionTodayAdvocacy at the National Level: C4LedgerConsortium Conducts a Visit and Dialogue withBappenasAmplifying Women’s Voices on Waste Management in the Province of Yogyakarta,IndonesiaJune 2024 Edition

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City sanitation summit:Yogyakarta's GovernmentShared Lessons LearnedThe Voices for Just Climate Action (VCA)programme participated in the CitySanitation Summit (CSS) XXII, a nationalevent for policymakers with the theme ofconverting waste into energy for asustainable future. This forum took placefrom 6-7 May 2024 in Cilegon City,Banten Province, and was attended by allparticipants from the cities and regentswho joined The District/City Alliance forSanitation Care (Asosiasi Kota KabupatenPeduli Sanitasi, AKKOPSI), RegionalHeads in Districts/Cities, and relatedofficials throughout Indonesia.On this occasion, Dr Ir. Kuncoro CahyoAji, M.S., Advisory to the Governor of D.IYogyakarta Province, facilitated by VCAprogramme as a representationprogramme’s beneficiary to be a resourceperson who raised the wastemanagement issue. At that event, Mr. Kuncoro had theopportunity to introduce the Green Jogjaprogramme, especially regarding wastemanagement and energy conservation,which is also supported by /SPEAKIndonesia through VCA. Read more…Settlement Profiling by Women Federation of DKIJakarta and DI Yogyakarta, IndonesiaThe Women's Federation in Jakarta and Yogyakarta, whichconsists of more than 150 housewives, has become an actor ofchange in its region by carrying out settlement profiling andsocial mapping of around 150 hectares of urban residentialareas.The Women's Federation, as a climate change agent,collaborates with the government and society to invite thepublic and wider stakeholders to be more aware of and payattention to sustainable climate adaptation and mitigationactions. Read more…Women Federation Climate WASH Advocacy inRoad to 10th World Water ForumIndonesia was the host country for the 10th World Water Forum on 18-25 May 2024 in Bali. This conference is amedium through which the water community, stakeholders, and policymakers can collaborate and achievelong-term progress on global water challenges. With the World Water Forum, it is hoped that all stakeholdersinvolved can carry out penta helix collaboration and explain the water community's mission, views, andachievements.To support this event, the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment of the Republic ofIndonesia held the Road to the 10th World Water Forum event in the Citarum area, Bandung Regency, WestJava Province, Indonesia. Read more…June 2024 Edition

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Inger Wewal and Sawe Suma VillageThe Inger Wewal women's group from Sawe Suma village, Unurum Guay District, Jayapura Regency, PapuaProvince, are one of the VCA partners. This group of 60 Indigenous women face several limitations inaddressing the objectives of the VCA programme. Their limitations are closely related to the capacityrequirements of supporting organisational work in the era of global technology.Human resource limitations refer to the low educational background of each group member, which makes itdifficult for the group to package their local climate action narratives and schemes so that they can bedocumented, recognised, and adopted in policy. One of the steps taken by these women to address thechallenges they face is to involve and empower the younger generation of Sawe Suma village. The younggeneration of Sawe Suma Village can now get the opportunity to get an education, starting from elementaryeducation to college. Read more…The Blessing of Sago in the Land of CarversAll eyes were drawn to the behaviour of Hendrikus Wowokti's three children. The guests see a peculiar scene.These children stride nimbly across the muddy waters between the sago trees. They are proud to show therichness of biodiversity and nature of Erma village, a tiny speck on the map of Papua. They walk with apurpose.The Hendrikus' children invite their guests to visit the sago forest. They want to demonstrate how traditionalwisdom teaches people to harvest the staple crop. For the villagers, sago is an abundant blessing that must besustained. The plant, which grows in tidal areas, breathes civilisation into the Asmat people, a communitygifted with the ability to carve. Read more…June 2024 Edition

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KenyaHivos local partner Docubox kicked off their activities thisquarter with an impact screening of climate-centric films underthe Tabianchi SOS! Project.Student Testimonials from a film screeningFinancial Flows to Women atthe Grassroots through FLLoCA In a trailblazing initiative to combatclimate change and empower vulnerablecommunities, the County ClimateResilience Investment (CCRI) has been avital funding stream for Locally-ledClimate Action. As part of the FLLoCAfunds and grants from the NationalGovernment, administered through theNational Treasury, the CCRI is devolved tosubnational levels, then to the lowestunits of governance called Wards,dedicated to supporting communities inmitigating the adverse effects of climatechange. This programme places specialemphasis on women, youth, and peoplewith disabilities (PWDs), recognising theircrucial role in driving sustainabledevelopment and climate resilience. Read more…VCA impact in Kenya: Local Voices Driving Changethrough the Implementation of Government-ledProgramme - Financing Locally-led ClimateSolutions (FLLoCA)In collaboration withdevelopment partners, theGovernment of Kenyarecently secured Kshs 39.3billion to roll out a locally ledclimate action programme.The initiative, dubbedFinancing Locally LedClimate Action ( FLLOCA), isan innovative approach toensuring climate financereaches the mostvulnerable communities, Image caption: A breakdown of the allocationof budgets for FLoCCA in Naivasha, Molo andNjoro Sub-counties in Nakuru County, Kenya.The Voices for Just Climate Action (VCA) programme in Kenyapartners with Slum Dwellers International (SDI), Arid LandsInformation Network (ALIN), and organisations supported bysister projects SEAF Kenya through Leading the Change (LTC).These collaborations leverage an opportunity to ensure that theinitiative’s planning and implementation are informed by theneeds of the local communities. Read more…During the Kenya Science and Engineering Fair, they screened three films. These were the testimonials sharedby the students: “I was struck by how the story about the River of Brown Waters resonated with our own experiences in theNorth Eastern part of Kenya. It reinforced the notion that storytelling is a catalyst for empathy and action,propelling us towards a future where innovation is driven by a profound understanding of human needs.” –Student A“The films, especially the Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, not only inspired us but also provided a roadmap foraddressing real community-based challenges. By intertwining storytelling with innovation, we can trulyaffect meaningful change.” - Student Bwhich bear the brunt of the devastating effects of climatechange.The films that were screened included: “River of Brown Waters" by Laissah Malih, "The Forest Guardian" byAnthony Ochieng, "Dunia Bora" by Dylan Habil, “If Turtles Talked” by Juma Adero, " Boube of The Fulani” byFélicien Assogba, “The last Rhino by Dylan Habil and “The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind” by Chiwetel Ojiof.June 2024 Edition

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paraguayGovernment Commits to Land Titling for theGuaraní Ñandéva Community after a 40-yearWaitConnecting NivacléCommunitiesIn the community of La Abundancia, inthe department of Boquerón, ChacoParaguayo, the Nivacle communitynetwork was inaugurated as part of the"Nanum, connected women" initiative.During the ceremony, computerequipment was handed over to the fournodes of the network, including twoschools and three community centres,thanks to the cooperation of theInternational Telecommunications Union(ITU) and the NationalTelecommunications Commission(CONATEL).The installation of digital centres withinternet access and the provision ofequipment is part of an effort to improveconnectivity in the region, with supportfrom VCA. The women, protagonists ofthe project, are developing innovativesolutions that allow them to reduceisolation, increase their income, mitigatethe impact of climate change andstrengthen their resilience.With this inauguration, there are now 14communities with internet access andtwo community networks installed in theParaguayan Chaco through the Nanuminitiative. This effort seeks to close thedigital divide and contribute to theinclusion of the populations of the Chacoin better opportunities with a gender,intersectional and interculturalperspective.The Loma indigenous community of the Guaraní Ñandévacommunity has been an example of struggle and resistancefor four decades. On 22 April, they returned to Asunción, thecapital of Paraguay, to demand the titling of their lands. Afterthe mobilisation, the president of Paraguay, Santiago Peña,instructed Francisco Ruiz Díaz, president of the Institute ofRural Development and Land (INDERT), to initiate the processof land titling in favour of the Guaraní Ñandéva.Despite this positive development, the Guaraní Ñandévacommunity still faces challenges, as their lands continue to beinvaded by three powerful cattle ranchers who have alreadydestroyed more than three thousand hectares of native forestsand constantly threaten the Indigenous people, highlightingthe urgency of resolving this conflict.The community began the process of land adjudication in 1981and obtained the declaration of National Indigenous Colony in1984. The lack of water in the area made permanentsettlement impossible, leading to three cattle ranchersinvading 3,307 hectares of the 10,079 hectares to which theywere entitled. This lawsuit opened a new stage of struggle, thistime a judicial one, for the community, which now finally hasthe hope of having its own titles and leading a dignified life inthe distant Chaco.Young Paraguayan women at UN Conference inKenyaThrough the support of WWF-Paraguay's Voices for Just ClimateAction (VAC) project, Camila Cubilla and Sara Seux attended theUnited Nations Civil Society Conference in Kenya from 9-10 May.This event brought together senior UN officials, internationalJune 2024 Edition

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organisations, academicsand media to discuss crucialissues affecting the planet,with a special focus on youthparticipation.The Youth Delegation, whichincluded young people fromIndia, Pakistan, Madagascar,and Paraguay advocated forthe inclusion of issues such as climate justice, the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and climategovernance in the Compact for the Future to be presented atthe UN General Assembly.This meeting, the first of its kind in Africa, brought togethermore than 3,000 participants from 700 organisations from over100 countries, highlighting the voice of young people inbuilding a sustainable future.On 11 October 2023, the magazineEmancipa published the articleEntrepreneurship: Storiesbetween Stitches of Thread andHoney, highlighting organisedwomen's efforts to achievesustainable economic income inAlto Paraguay, Chaco. Inspired bythis publication, CongressmanRubén Rubín presented a projectto declare the "Kuña po saraki" and"Oro Dulce" projects of cultural and environmental interest.This project was approved by the plenary of the lower house,on the table.The article in Emancipa Magazine tells the stories of ClaudiaSilva and Felicita Cardozo, who lead handicraft and beekeepinginitiatives in their communities. Thanks to their dedication and commitment to sustainability, these projects notonly generate income for their families but also contribute to climate change mitigation and culturalpreservation. This declaration recognises the positive impact of their efforts and gives them well-deserved officialrecognition.Journalism for just climate action:an agenda to combat the crisis inParaguayVCA partner organisations in Paraguay jointogether in the initiative "Journalism forClimate Action." This agenda seeks tostrengthen journalists' capacities toaddress global warming and its impacts inParaguay and combat misinformation thathinders climate action.A series of activities will be carried out inAsunción and the Paraguayan Chaco, withexperts from Argentina and Bolivia, as wellas the provision of reporting funds. As agrand finale, the ParaguayanEnvironmental Journalism Award will beannounced. This initiative is promoted by theorganisations Global Infancia, El Surtidorand Emancipa Paraguay, with the supportof WWF-Paraguay, Fundación Avina andSouthSouthNorth. It also has thecollaboration of the photographyassociation El Ojo Salvaje.Women's bio-enterprises in Alto Paraguay weredeclared of cultural and environmentalinterest in the Chamber of DeputiesJune 2024 Edition

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Copyrights: Khawla HwijiTUNISIAKhawla Hwiji, a young woman filmmaker supported by theClimate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN), hadthe opportunity to participate in the Landscape LeadershipWorkshop hosted Global Landscape Forum, from 9-10 October,in Nairobi, Kenya.The event brought together 45 brilliant young minds from Africaand around the world selected from over 700 applicants to driveimpactful and transformative change. The journey continuedthis year with an online session that took place on 27 May 2024. “Landscape Dreaming: The Future of the Blue Country,” acollaborative activity, is a simple negotiation simulation gameset in an imaginary landscape.Young woman filmmaker participates in theglobal landscape forumGreen Hydrogen in Tunisia:A new mechanism of plunderand exploitationThe working group for energy democracy(GTDE), and the Transnational Institute(TNI) have produced an article on GreenHydrogen in Tunisia. The article seeks tounveil previously undiscussed elements ofthe National Strategy’s action plan forexporting more than 6 million tonnes ofgreen hydrogen to Europe by 2050.The article - available in Arabic andEnglish - has been supported by VCA aspart of the collaboration between Hivos,TNI and GTDE. Read more…Khawla received a small grant to produce a short documentaryabout the landscape. Stay tuned for the upcomingdocumentary.Another collaborative activity, “Justice Visions for Africa: Visionbuilding for a future rooted in justice,” is an exercise meant tomotivate workshop participants to collectively dream of thefuture they want for their continent and to develop potentialstrategies to achieve their vision. Inspired by the three horizonsframework.GLF Skills Accelerator Program: Public Speaking WorkshopJune 2024 Edition

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After participating at the Journées de la souveraineté alimentaire et de l’environnement (JOSAE), Tunisiapartners Houda Mazhoud, Safa Mogaadi and Arij Ferjani wrote a policy brief now published on the OSAEwebsite.The policy brief - written in French and an output of the VCA programme - results from collective workbetween the association (APEDDUB) and the Observatory of Food Sovereignty and the Environment.Summary of suggested actions and recommendationsTo address the precarious situation of the GFDA (Groupement fémenin pour le développement agricol) OuedSbaihia, Mrs Aida, the president, suggests the following actions:Engage with Public Decision-Makers: Initiate discussions with public decision-makers at the governoratelevel in Zaghouan to intervene and resolve conflicts between the GFDA and the SMSA.1.Collaborate with Researchers: Work with researchers to explore opportunities for integration into researchprojects, aiming to secure minimal financial resources for the commercialisation of our products.2.Support GDA Members: Assist GDA members in accessing subsidies and facilitate the creation of watercollection basins to support GFDA activities.3.Address Wheat Cultivation Issues: Wheat cultivation in Zaghouan is heavily impacted by climaticconditions. To cultivate wheat and mitigate the impact of climate change, it is essential to irrigate thewheat. Institutional and financial support is needed to create surface wells and install water-savingequipment for cereal irrigation.4.Policy Brief: L’avenir du Groupement Féminin de Développement Agricole à l’épreuvedes changements climatiques et l’incertitude des politiques publiques June 2024 Edition

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zambiaBuilding the climate change resilience ofZambian smallholder farmersPanos Calls For InvestmentsIn Land RestorationIn a press statement released on June 6,Panos Institute Southern Africa calledfor more investments in land restorationto help protect the public againstclimatic change in the country.Panos Executive Director VusumuziSifile says that investing in landrestoration is investing in people’scollective future, a step towardsensuring that children inherit a worldwhere they can thrive. Mr Sifile said this at this year’scommemoration of World EnvironmentDay calling for renewed commitmentsand decisive, inclusive, and locally-ledactions to urgently address thechallenges of land degradation,desertification and climate changevulnerability that are threateninglivelihoods and ecosystems acrossSouthern Africa. Read more…Many smallholder farmers in Zambia rely on artificial fertilisersto increase yields. However, since they are expensive, theydepend on the government for subsidised fertiliser. In the 2023-2024 farming season, over a million smallholder farmersreceived 268 million euros worth of farming inputs, most of itfertiliser.Artificial fertiliser is mostly imported, so high, rapidly changinginternational prices can affect supply. Climate change onlyfurther increases Zambian farmers’ vulnerability.To help reduce this dependency on harmful artificial fertiliser,Hivos works with the Civil Society for Poverty Reduction(CSPR), a Zambian organisation that trains women farmers insustainable organic farming methods.To date, almost three hundred women have followed training toproduce organic fertiliser and grow climate-resilient crops. Theydo this together with the Kasisi Agricultural Training Center.Read more…June 2024 Edition

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DOCUBOX supports independent filmmakers through production grants, mentorshipworkshop training and labs, networking opportunities, and coordinated impact filmscreenings for the communities as they seek the overall impact of films in society. Theycollaborate with like-minded organisations in their work and have done so with over 10organisations at international, regional and local levels.HAKI Africa is a pan-African human rights organisation with its headquarters in Mombasaand an operations office in Nairobi.Initiated in 2014, the organisation promotes partnerships between state and non-stateactors to constantly improve the well-being of individuals and communities and ensurerespect for human rights and the rule of law.local partner introductionHivos Kenya has onboarded three partners in the VCA family. These partners bring expertise in environmentaldefenders and climate/environment activists, including Indigenous people of the coastal region of Kenya andmedia (documentaries and film). The profiles of the organisations are:The National Coalition of Human Rights Defenders-Kenya (Defenders Coalition) is anational organisation that works primarily for the protection of Human Rights Defenders(HRDs) in Kenya.Formed in 2007, the Defenders Coalition strengthens HRDs' capacities to work safely andeffectively and advocates for favourable legal, policy, and institutional environments toreduce their persecution and/or harm risks.publications and resourcesMESHA Sayansi Magazine:June 2023, Edition 31Lukanga Swamps Newsletter:June 2024, Edition 1Ecos de VAC newsletter: May editionJune 2024 Edition

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July 2024 EditionNomad 08, the Tunisian Observatory of Water, in collaboration with more than 150participants (CSOs, experts, activists, media, etc.), have jointly published theDeclaration of the First Tunisian Water Forum, which took place in April 2024.The declaration includes the recommendations from eleven intensive workshopsheld in three days. One of the forum's most important recommendations andimmediate actions is the creation of its scientific council whose first meeting tookplace on 28 June 2024.This council will follow up on the recommendations of the forum.Declaration of the First Tunisian Water ForumPolicy Brief: Impact of Water Scarcity and Climate Changeon Rural WomenThe preparation of this policy brief has been a collaborative effort involvingprofessionals from Houloul consulting and support, under the coordination ofNajwa Bouraoui, Houda Mazhoud and Arij Ferjani from APEDDUB and FrajChemak from INRAT. This policy brief was funded by the SSN team as part of the international projectReseauclima. The coordinating authors thank the experts from Houloul for theirvaluable effort. They also acknowledge the SSN team for their effectivecooperation and support to achieve this and opportunitiespast events4-8 June: The Stop Pollution Climate Justice Camp 0.4 in Gabes - More than 100 participants attendedthis camp. The aim was to gather movements, activists and CSOs to advocate for environmental rights.Stop Pollution organised a demonstration in the city of Gabes during the celebration of WorldEnvironment Day on 5 June.12-15 June: Panamazonic Social Forum (FOSPA)14 June: ECOPANTANAL Fair25-27 June: Carbon Markets Training - VCA alliance partners conducted a 3-day training and dialoguespace on Carbon Markets through the VCA Programme. This came when the narrative on carbon marketsbecame dominant, particularly in Kenya. It has very little focus on community needs concerning access toclimate finance. At a time when there are varying opinions on whether carbon markets are good or bad,this training sought to put things into perspective by looking at the policies, regulatory architecture,benefits, and challenges and also use of practical case studies that will allow an informed advocacy plan foror against this particular mechanism in the country.

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upcoming events15 July: World Youth Skills Day9 August: International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples15 August: International Youth Day20-23 August: 11th meeting of the Conference of Parties to the Nairobi Convention (COP 11)VCA is set to effect the amplification of locally-shaped climate action and play a pivotal role in the global climatedebate. For more information about the programme, our agenda, and how to collaborate with us or if you haveinspiration or tips, please contact us at or visit our website present a complaint related to the VCA programme you can write to grievance@voicesforclimateaction.orgor use the grievance mechanisms of the individual Alliance partners. Please indicate the reasons for yourgrievance, date of occurrence, proposed solution and contact to follow up.#JustClimateAction. Together.Share this newsletter to inspire your networkSubscribe to get regular updates on how we work.Follow us on Twitter , Linkedin, youtube, instagram and