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September 2023 Newsletter

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Global programmeLoss and Damage Finance and MDBReform information sessionscountry updatesBolivia | Brazil |Indonesia | Kenya |Paraguay | Tunisia | ZambiaEvents and opportunitiessee upcoming events forSeptember and Octoberin this editionSeptember 2023 Newsletter September 2023 NewsletterVCA participated in a number of events at the Africa ClimateWeek (ACW) and Africa Climate Summit (ACS), which tookplace from 4 to 8 September 2023 in Nairobi, Kenya, at theKenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC). On 05 September, WWF hosted a side event entitledLocally-Led Restoration Initiatives in Building ResilientCommunities for People, Nature, and Business whichfocused on the African Climate Week-themed pillar:societies, health, livelihoods, nature and economies. As part of the engagement, WWF Zambia shared the locally-led restoration activities undertaken so far of the Nsongweriver by a rural community woman champion – Mrs Mayer –which included the desilting of the river beds, stoppingagriculture activities along the river bank and planting ofindigenous trees. Read more...VCA at the Africa Climate and Africa Climate summitVisit our website and X page for more information andnews on other events VCA participated in at ACS and ACW.Local partner roundup |welcome to vcameet a local partner and new VCAstaff from Boliviastories of changeread stories from Bolivia, Paraguay,Zambia and Indonesiaour updates include news, views,book launches and videos publishedpublications andresourcesvisit this page for the latestpublications and resources

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September 2023 NewsletterGlobal programmeVCA Information session: Loss and Damage FinanceIn this session, speakers exploredopportunities for civil societyengagement on loss and damagefinance and focused on these issuesfrom climate-affected communities’perspectives. In addition, thissession aimed to inform the VCAnetwork of opportunities toinfluence the loss and damagefinance processes and kick-start theVCA engagement on L&D.Recordings in Spanish, French,Brazilian Portuguese and BahasaIndonesia are available on the VCAwebsite.Multilateral Development Bank (MDB) information sessionThis information session hosted by the VCA GlobalProgramme aimed to enable civil society and climate-affected communities to engage in MDB reformdiscussions and identify opportunities for engagement.In this session, panellists discussed and exchanged views onthe various perspectives on the depth, approach andprocess of the MDB reform proposals and opportunities forscaling finance for people-centred and rights-based climateaction.What is the status of the MDB reform discussions? What Questions that the discussion included were:What opportunities and risks are associated with the proposed MDB reform for climate-affectedand low-income countries?What civil society priorities should the MDB reform processes consider to affect people-centredand rights-based climate action?What should VCA's position be on the MDB reform? are the current proposals for reform? What are the opportunities for influencing?The session was recorded and available in English with French, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese andBahasa Indonesia interpretation versions on the VCA website.

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country updatesSeptember 2023 NewsletterFirst community-managedprotected area in the Bolivian PantanalAn exciting milestone in the heartof the Bolivian Pantanal! InMotacusito, women leaders haveexemplified the power ofinformation.Following research by the PuertoSuarez Monitoring Center, theydiscovered essential waterrecharge zones and took the leadin ensuring the protection of theirenvironment. With support fromlocal partner SBDA, theyestablished a protected area,boosted habitat conservation, andpromoted local ecotourism.This inspiring story highlights howwomen's voices can catalyseconservation and make asignificant impact on thepreservation of our planet (WWFBolivia).BoliviaBolivia Implements Leaders for Life NetworkProject for Conservation in Protected AreasIn a monumental stride, Bolivia has embraced the Leadersfor Life Network project, a pivotal endeavor aimed atconserving landscapes and biodiversity within protectedzones.Through Administrative Resolution No. DE-078/2023, datedMay 18, 2023, the National Service of Protected Areas(SERNAP) of the Plurinational State of Bolivia has officiallygreenlit the regulatory framework for the LifeguardsNetwork, a brainchild forged in collaboration withFUNDESNAP, a VCA partner through Avina.This framework establishes a dynamic public policy tool thatwill govern park rangers' engagement in promoting theessence of the country's 23 protected areas, emphasisingtheir crucial role in landscape and biodiversity preservation.

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September 2023 Newsletterrosa pachuriRosa is a Chiquitano indigenousleader who, at the age of 25, startedas a leader in her community as ahealth and gender promoter. In2014 she was President of theOrganization of Indigenous WomenRafaeleñas de Velasco, where aterritorial reactivation project wascarried out.In the year 2021, for the first time,the women of her communityorganized themselves as ChiquitanoIndigenous women, with theobjective of watching over thecollective and individual rights ofthe Chiquitano women and theirterritory. For this and for hertrajectory, Rosa was electedpresident of the regionalorganization of ChiquitanoIndigenous women.The Lifeguards Network project unites essentialstakeholders, including journalists, scholars, influencers,artists, international cooperation agents, and more, as activecontributors alongside park rangers. This collective synergy not only magnifies the guardians'impact but also engrains their vital conservation roleswithin communities, fostering a shared understanding oftheir significance in Bolivia's environmental heritage.Within the Pan-Amazonian Social Forum 2024 (FOSPA) framework, a historic meeting took place inRurrenabaque, Beni, where the indigenous women of Bolivia gathered to confront extractivism andthe crises that impact their lives and territories. With the support of around 80 women leaders from diverse regions such as the Amazon, Chiquitanía,Pantanal, Chaco and highlands, the "National Meeting of Indigenous Women" took place. In this event,strong actions against extractivism and its serious consequences were discussed and proposed.The document of conclusions that emerged from this meeting includes crucial demands and anextensive list of demands that seek to generate an impact at the national level and within their ownorganisations. A courageous step to achieve public policies that protect these demands!National meeting of indigenous women

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Digital solutions for climatechange adaptationIn the realm of coordinated, cross-border efforts shaping the SouthAmerican Gran Chaco region,spanning Bolivia, Argentina, andParaguay, Fundación Nativa, avalued partner of VCA throughAvina, has pioneered a digital,technical, and practical solutionknown as AdApp. This innovationserves as a pivotal aid for farmers byproviding technicalrecommendations and climatealerts to facilitate their adaptationprocesses in the face of climatechange. AdApp's significance isfurther highlighted through itsdirect integration with thePilcomayo Early Warning System(SAT), offering real-time rainfallmeasurements in millilitres acrossChaco communities via themeteorology feature embeddedwithin the application.At present, a network of 10 monitorsis strategically positioned across theplains and foothills, entrusted withdata collection and input intoAdApp. Ongoing efforts includecontinuous monitoring and trainingfor these dedicated monitorsresponsible for upholding the SAT'sintegrity and data flow.September 2023 NewsletterPre-Pan-Amazonian Social Forum (PRE-FOSPA)The Pre FOSPA Bolivia 2023 was held from July 20 to 23 inRurrenabaque and San Buenaventura-Bolivia, where diverseactors, from indigenous organisations to human rightsinstitutions, jointly demanded the defence of the Amazon. Four thematic axes were addressed: Indigenous peoplesand Amazonian territorialities, Mother Earth, Extractivismand alternatives, and Women. At the end of the event, highland and lowland organisationssigned a declaration, with 29 points, advocating respect forthe rights of indigenous peoples and nature.It is time to make a difference, in the defence of theAmazon!

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Climate Illiteracy courseGovernance and advocacy onclimate change,Women, youth and indigenouspeoples facing climate changeandAlternatives to the developmentmodel and climate action.This course results from acollaboration between the BolivianPlatform for Action on ClimateChange - PBACC, the BolivianPlatform Against Climate Change –PBAFCC and WWF Bolivia.Participants acquired key skills andknowledge to empower civil societyin the fight against the climatecrisis. In June, the Training Programme"Against Climate Illiteracy" wasconcluded, distributed into threetopics of the climate crises:1.2.3.We are proud to have had 175virtual participants from both ruraland urban areas throughout Bolivia,and the last activity was in the cityof Cochabamba, gathering morethan 30 participants.September 2023 NewsletterWWF Bolivia, as an active member of the SteeringCommittee, is proud to have shared valuable knowledgegenerated in the Bolivian Pantanal, with a special focus onthe community of Motacusito and the GAM Puerto Suarez.We are also excited to have provided our support to the"Accelerator of Youth Initiatives 2023", collaborating in itsmethodology and highlighting the innovative proposalspresented by committed young people.This congress has been a space for learning and exchangeand a platform for concrete action, thinking about a moresustainable and conscious future with our environment.The III Bolivian Congress onClimate Change, Water Securityand Non-Carbon Benefits was aresounding success.With the participation of 500participants, representatives from8 countries, 52 committedorganisations and the realisationof 90 enriching presentations,this event marked a significantmilestone.III Bolivian Congress on Climate Change

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September 2023 Newsletterher voiceher voicevoices from boliviaThe hearts and minds of young people from differentterritories came together at the National Youth Encounterin Santa Cruz, Bolivia, on July 13 and 14, 2023. During this meeting, young people engaged in deepreflections and enriching dialogues. On the second day, theminds of the young people came together in a collectiveeffort and produced a moving manifesto in favour of life inthe Amazon, a call to action and protection of our commonhome.These young visionaries have taken a firm step towards thesustainable future we all long for.National Youth Encounter

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Amazon Summit: Indigenous organizations holdInternational Assembly to promote theimportance of territories and peoples in facingthe climate crisisSeptember 2023 NewsletterPhoto: Coiab’s Network of YoungIndigenous CommunicatorsThe 'Assembly of the Peoplesof the Earth for the Amazon'gathered, in the city ofBelém, in Pará, between the4th and 8th of August,regional and nationalrepresentations of theindigenous peoples of Brazil,Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador,Guyana, French Guiana, Peruand Suriname. The meetingreceived around 1500 peopleto discuss the participationand contribution of theindigenous peoples ofthe Amazon Basin in facing theclimate crisis. Read more...Download the magazineVCA Brazil VOICES Magazine isnow available in EnglishThe VCA Brazil VOICES Magazine isnow available in English on VCAwebsite. VOICES is a collaborativepublication that presents articles,essays, interviews, infographics, andreports produced by those who livethe realities of the Amazon and fightfor its conservation.In this first edition, the magazinebrings 21 materials organized into 5sections: Network Actions, Opinion,Voices around the World, Art Mood,and Climate Xibé. The material isproduced collaboratively by anetwork of organizations andmovements that are part of theVoices for Just Climate ActionProgramme (VCA) in Brazil.brazilcountry updatesFemale empowerment through self-censuses inurban communities in ParáWorking on the topic ofclimate change throughcensuses in urbancommunities in the Amazonhelps to discuss the topic intheir daily activities, relatinglocal situations to the globalissue, and bringing thediscussion closer to questionsof gender, income and race,since communities inperipheral areas are thehardest hit by the climate crisis.In the first half of 2023, the coalition “Urban Engagement in the Climate Agenda – Amazonian Voices”carried out a self-census in three urban communities: part of Terra Firme, in Belém, and Mapiri andMaracanã, in Santarém. Read more...

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VCA Indonesia teamsgathered in Jakarta from10-13 July 2023 to discussthe Mid-Term Review(MTR).The MTRs enable thealliance to take stock ofprogress, reflect on changes in contexts and partnerships,and learn and consider what this means for the Theory ofChange in Indonesia, the global programme, and at theoverall VCA programme level.These areas get floodedduring monsoon season.Residents see significantchanges in sea level risethat completely covers thewall and into thesettlement.From this visit,we learned from theWomen FederationPenjaringan about their activities, including urban profiling(settlement mapping), savings for resilience approach, wastebank, and eco-enzyme production. take care of the village, take care of the dreamLike other areas in Lembata District- Indonesia in general, TapobaliVillage has a topography that tendsto be dry. During the dry season,people often lack clean water dueto drought in this dry and rockyland. The GEBETAN communitygrows sorghum to preserve localfood that is adaptive to climatechange. GEBETAN also initiatedspring conservation byapproaching community leaders,traditional leaders and landownersto jointly plant bamboo in theKmelafai spring area. This documentary video wasproduced by the Pangan Baik(Good Food) Coalition incollaboration with the GEBETANcommunity as one of the efforts tocampaign for climate change andinvite local communities to protectthe environment together. This video is also advocacy materialfor policymakers to pay moreattention to the impacts of climatechange in Tapobali Village, hopingthat the government will supportthis climate action driven byGEBETAN. September 2023 NewsletterMid-Term Review Workshop VCA Indonesia During the workshop, the team also visited an informalsettlement in Penjaringan, North Jakarta, hosted by SPEAKIndonesia and Women Federation updatesindonesiaEastern Indonesia Forum – FKTI 2023On July 26-27, Yayasan Hivosand its partners Kopo Coalition,Good Food Coalition, CivilCoalition, and AdaptationCoalition, who are members ofthe VCA alliance Indonesia,participated in the EasternIndonesia Forum Festival. A booth was opened with various games for educationrelated to climate change and displayed knowledge,research publications, and local food products. Read more...

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To build awareness of climate change and local foodsecurity, and to encourage concrete actions in the regions,especially for the younger generation, civil society, namelythe KEHATI Foundation, the Good Food Coalition – YayasanHivos-VCA, the People's Food Sovereignty Coalition, theFood and Land Use Coalition (FOLU) Indonesia – WorldResources Institute (WRI), in collaboration with RutengDiocese and the Office of the Special Presidential Envoy forPoverty Alleviation and Food Security as well as the RegionXVI Cultural Conservation Center, held a series of activitiesat the Golo Koe Festival in Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai,East Nusa Tenggara, 10-15 August 2023.Festival Golo KoeSeptember 2023 NewsletterYoung people protect thesource of life: springs The Watonitung spring has beensupporting the lives of the residentsof Kawalelo Village, East FloresDistrict, East Nusa TenggaraProvince, Indonesia, for agriculturalactivities and household needs.However, the water discharge isnow reduced due to drought andnatural disasters that hit. Sensingnatural conditions and climatechange that have an impact onpeople's livelihoods, the Andakacommunity (Children of Kawalelo)conserved the Watonitung springby planting bamboo.This documentary video wasproduced by Pangan Baik (GoodFood) Coalition in collaborationwith the Andaka community as oneof the efforts to campaign forclimate change and invite localcommunities to protect theenvironment together. This video is also advocacy materialfor policymakers to pay moreattention to the impacts of climatechange in Kawalelo Village, hopingthat the government will supportthis climate action driven byAndaka. The series of activities, starting from exhibitions, seminarsand workshops - Climate Talk and LaudatoSi - ecologicalaction, and food workshops, aims to build publicunderstanding, especially the younger generation, aboutthe impact of climate change and its relation to theenvironment and food security.More than 500 young people from 3 districts who are Catholic youth members are registered toparticipate in the Golo Koe Festival this year. They come from West Manggarai Regency, ManggaraiRegency, and East Manggarai Regency.

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Spirit of Flobamoratas: An all-encompassing embrace that mirrors the richness and diversity ofNTT's islands. It also mirrors the experiences of Indonesia's small islands.No Limit: Unconfined by age, gender, or the boundaries of specific issues; a rallying cry withoutboundaries.Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation: Unifying the essence of diverse spirits and actionsacross backgrounds. Aligned seamlessly with VCA programs, both locally and on the global stage. In a stride towards realising theobjectives of VCA Indonesia andbridging critical issues with the public,an innovative program took root in2022 – the Flobamoratas Festival (PRF).Abbreviated from the names of Flores,Sumba,Timor, Alor, Rote, Lembata, andSabu – the captivating islands ofEast Nusa Tenggara – PRF exemplifies aspirited community celebration.Anchored in the ethos of unity, thisannual festival ensures that the clarioncall for climate action resonates not onlyacross NTT but also reverberatesnationwide and globally. The heart of PRF 2023 beats with theresounding mantra: The no-limit spiritof Flobamoratas in climate changeadaptation and mitigation efforts."Here's the essence: 1.2.3.PRF aspires to personify the unshackled Spirit of Flobamoratas, breathing life into VCA's mission,resonating in Indonesia and beyond. Envisioned as the second cornerstone of VCA's Theory of Change,PRF seeks to carve "a robust narrative and shared platform," amplifying civil society voices at local andnational tiers for a just transition to a climate-resilient future.September 2023 NewsletterPRF 2023: Unleashing the Spirit Without Bounds in Climate Resilience

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September 2023 NewsletterLAMU WOMEN ALLIANCE ADVOCATES FOR NATIVES'LAND RIGHTS IN THE SHADOW OF URBANISATIONKenyaPuppets for Climate Justice:The Market is floodedThe Kenya Institute of PuppetTheatre (KIPT) is implementing aproject dubbed "Puppets forClimate Justice" (PCJ). The projectuses puppetry, theatre and othercreative means to partner withcommunities in urban informalsettlements to amplify their voicesin demanding Climate Justice. Thevideos illustrate some of the storiesfrom the communities.Oftentimes, the advancement of urban developmentmeans a disruption in the ecosystems and livelihoods oflocals. Lamu Island which is one of oldest and wellpreserved Swahili settlements in East Africa did not survivethe dark shadow of advancing urbanization when themega project launched in 2012, “Lamu Port South SudanEthiopia Transport (LAPSETT)” was launched.In the wake of LAPSETT’s implementation of the project, land wrangles and conflicts erupted in the community as many of the natives’ land was invaded.Delicate natural and bio-ecosystems were upset, as swathes of land that contained mangrove treeswere reclaimed under the project. The mangrove forests, which are a breeding ground for fish and aprimary source of food and livelihood for Lamu natives, were destroyed. This has set back climateconservation efforts and compromised the livelihood of Lamu locals, especially women.With little intervention from the local leaders, an independent community-based Organisation namedSAVE LAMU stood up with the affected ones, of which the highest percentage was that of women,pursuing financial compensation for the loss of their land.However, since the majority of women had no mainstream education or literacy skills, they were notconsidered thus, they were displaced. Lamu Women Alliance reached out to vulnerable women for anawareness discussion in order to understand their rights and guide them on steps to follow whentheir rights are compromised.Currently, a higher percentage of Lamu women are now following up to obtain their rights and to becompensated equally like the other affected updates

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Just days after the end of theTrinational Meeting of theGran Chaco Women'sCollective, the indigenousleader of the Qom people ofCerrito,in the ParaguayanChaco, Bernarda Pessoa, left forBrussels, Belgium, toparticipate in the EU-LACForum on July 13 and 14.On the occasion, a public declaration was issued, whichincluded the main proposals for the EU-CELAC(Community of Latin American and Caribbean States)Summit. Bernarda received a personal invitation from the organisersof the event, in which they mentioned the importance of herparticipation, given her trajectory as an environmental,territorial and human rights defender. She thanked theAvina Foundation for the great support she received, whichprovided her with logistical support for her travel andaccommodation and also for her participation in the event. Read more...From July 3 to 7, 200 indigenousand rural women from Paraguay,Argentina, Bolivia and Brazil met todebate and share experiences. During intense and valuable daysof listening, reflection and dialogue,they discussed strategies for facingthe impacts of climate change inthe South American Chaco. The meeting was held with theslogan "Our territory is ourhome: Towards just climate actionin the South American GranChaco". These women took the opportunityto talk about the commonproblems they face on a daily basisand also share the strategies theyare developing to achieve changesthat can restore rights. They sufferthe impact of the environmentalcrisis in the context of multipleoppressions. Read more...September 2023 NewsletterparaguayTRINATIONAL MEETING OF THEGRAN CHACO WOMEN'S COLLECTIVEcountry updatesFrom Cerrito to BruselasParaguayan congressmen back down and shelvebill threatening national parkAfter a broad debate and citizen demonstrations in favourof environmental protection, the Chamber of Deputies ofParaguay finally rejected and sent to the archives the bill that threatened the Médanos del Chaco National Park.The bill, which had the support of several congressmen fromthe ruling ANR party sought to prospect for and exploithydrocarbons in this protected wildlife area located innorthern Paraguay.Although the proposal was shelved, the threat against thepark continues, as some legislators announced the presentation of a new, similar document.On the other hand, environmental organisations and indigenous communities expressed theirrejection of the project, which endangers the park's diverse flora and fauna. This area is also inhabitedby the Ayoreo people in voluntary isolation and corresponds to the headwaters of the Timane River,which is essential for the life of the Alto Chaco.

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September 2023 NewsletterFrom July 3 to 7, 200 indigenous and rural women fromParaguay, Argentina, Bolivia and Brazil met to debate andshare experiences. During intense and valuable days oflistening, reflection and dialogue, they discussed strategiesfor facing the impacts of climate change in theSouth American Chaco. The purpose of this meeting was to share ideas and assessthe accomplishments thus far in the project's mid-termimplementation. The collective goal of the participants wasto enhance efforts in achieving a more equitable climatetransition, especially within the current political context of the country. Different topics were discussedin small groups, and then the experiences were shared in plenary sessions. Some of the main topicsincluded public policy advocacy, access to climate resources, collaboration opportunities, climatefinance, and the presentation of plans and actions for the future.A Transformative Meeting: Reflections from the Annual Meeting with VCA Partners These spaces for dialogue and collaboration were essentialas they enabled the participants to learn from one anotherand strengthen collective competence. In the meeting, participants discussed how individual and collective actionscan create a long-term impact. Through shared stories,challenges and wins, innovative solutions arose that tacklethe obstacles communities face in combating climatechange, where all voices are esteemed and heard. During the exchange of experiences, Mirta Pereira from the Federation for Self-Determination ofIndigenous Peoples mentioned that "native communities experience the effects of climate change intheir microclimate...the battle against climate change is not only in the big conventions, but also ineach community because there is a tangible impact".

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Khawla Hwiji, a young womanartist produced a short moviethat has been selected to play attwo film festivals. Her short film,‘Vision Floue- Blurred Vision”,will play at JCMC: Les journéescinématographiquesMéditéranéennes de Chenini(18th edition), and FIFAK(60th edition) - one of the firstcinematographic manifestationthat brings artists and cineastesfrom different countries together. The movie that Khawla produced was one of the artworksof the Ecologic'CAP project, which VCA supports(Collectif Creatif ). Khawla - in a parallel competition atFIFAK - won a human rights prize from the National Leagueof Human Rights. September 2023 NewsletterTUNISIAFrom 17 to 20 July 2023, the VCA alliance in Tunisia hostedthe first Mid-term evaluation workshop. This crucialmoment in the programme was followed by the AnnualReflection and Planning meeting and a learning eventmanaged by the VCA partner ATPNE.First MID-TErm review & Annual reflectionworkshopI'd also like to thank all the actors andactresses who agreed to take part inthis project. Once again, a huge thankyou to all those who made "VisionFloue" possible. Today I'd like to express my gratitudeto each and everyone who contributedin any way to the making of my firstshort film "Vision Floue". This film ismuch more than just a project for me,it's a reflection of my passion forclimate justice and wetlandspreservation. I'm particularly proud tobe able to tackle the crucial subject ofwater problems in the Soliman wetlandin Tunisia. thank you to the film crew.Your professionalism, creativity anddedication brought my script to life.Another big thank you to my friendsand family who have been anunconditional support throughout thisadventure. Collectif Créatif TunisAEDS- Association de l'Environnement et duDéveloppement à Solimancountry updates- Khawla HwijiTunisian short film selected for film festivals

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September 2023 NewsletterLiving in fragile environments,women in rural areas areincreasingly concerned about theeffects of climate changecompared to their urbancounterparts. This heightenedconcern is attributed to the factthat rural women make up 70% ofthe agricultural workforce, butWATER JUSTICE: THE DILEMMA OF THIRST IN THE WLEDOMAR REGION OF THE GOVERNORATE OF SILIANAYoung activists talk God andclimate change in TunisiaIn the Tunisian Arabic dialect, boublirefers to the sounds of peoplearguing or disagreeing. Whenyoung Tunisians “make a boubli,”they challenge social norms anddisrupt public debates from whichthey traditionally are excluded. Itmakes sense, then, that the new kidon the block in Tunisia’s medialandscape chose this as its name. Boubli is a youth-led mediaplatform founded in 2019 thatprovides a space for stories that youdo not hear in the regular news.It does so in the language of thestreet, and it does so successfully,with some of its videos havingreceived over four million views.Read more...account for only 15% of the stable workforce and barely 8%of the total working population.As environmental specialists frequently affirm, ruralwomen are on the front line of the impact of climatechange. They are the main victims. In recent years, womenfarm workers have seen their economic self-sufficiencyseverely compromised by the phenomenon of climatechange. Read more...Stop Pollution Movement hostS the firstgathering of movementsStop Pollution Movement has hosted the first gathering ofmovements, grassroots and activists from 18 to 20 August2023. This gathering was the first step in establishing theClimate Action Tunisia Coalition.Three days of reflection, hard work and learning led to thepreparation of the charter and rules related to the coalition. In October 2023, a climate camp in Gabes will take place tocontinue discussions and move forward on theestablishment of the climate action Tunisia Coalition. roundtable organised by the working group for energy and STop Pollution movementThe working group for energy democracy and Stop Pollution movement organised a roundtable inGabes on the 19th of August with the support of Hivos - VCA. This event brought together membersof the Tunisian Electricity and Gas Company, the Tunisian League of Human Rights, the TunisianGeneral Labor Union and young activists to discuss the energy transition model that Tunisia has beenfollowing for the last few years, the legal framework and how the international monetary financialinstitutions influencing it, the risk related to the land grabbing, commodification of energy, and howthis transition will affect the energy sovereignty of the country. The event took place on 19 August inthe No-name space.

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The VCA Alliance, coordinated by WWF in Zambia supported the jointmeeting with the speaker ofthe National Assembly ofZambia, in the presence of theZambian ParliamentaryCaucus on Environment andClimate Change (ZPCECC). The meeting sought to bring together parliamentarians andthe VCA Alliance team through WWF to develop and agreeon legislator's plans for COP28, enhancing efforts towardsAfrica 100 Restoration Initiative (AFR100) and constituencylevels of climate action by members of parliament. The speaker will, therefore, be attending this Year’s COP28in agreeance to support the African Group of Negotiators,the Zambian delegation and the VCA Zambia Alliance. zambiaWWF ZAMBIA MEET WITH THE SPEAKER OF THENATIONAL ASSEMBLY ON LEGISLATORS EFFORTS INCLIMATE ACTIONVCA ZAMBIA YOUTH PARTNERS PARTICIPATE IN THISYEARS AFRICA YOUTH SDG’s SUMMITThe 5th African Youth SDG Summitwas held this year at MulungushiInternational Conference Centrefrom 12-16 June. The theme for theevent was "Mobilizing AfricanYouths for Innovation."September 2023 NewsletterThe African Youth SDGs Summit is Africa’s largest youthforum on the Sustainable Development Goals. Launched in2017, the Summit has evolved to bring together a multi-sector coalition of youth, development experts,government and UN entities, NGOs, and the private sectorto create the Africa we want together.VCA Zambia Partner - Center of Environment Justice andZambian Youths seized the amazing opportunity toengage with young, talented individuals from all across thecontinent in working towards a common goal, discussing country updatesVCA Partner Zambia ClimateChange Network in Partnershipwith ActionAid Zambia organized avalidation workshop for theNational Adaptation Plan (NAP) forCivil Society Organizations (CSOs) tocontribute their insights andexpertise to the NAP draft, ensuringits alignment with communityneeds and aspirations.ZAMBIA CIVIL SOCIETY MEETINGIN VALIDATION OF THE NATIONALADAPTATION PLAN FACILITATEDBY VCA PARTNER – ZCCN The NAP validation workshop forCSOs sought to achieve collectiveinput so as to facilitatecomprehensive and inclusivediscussions to gather inputs forrefining the NAP draft.Further, the Workshop seeks toanswer to ZCCN’s mandate ofFostering collaboration andpartnerships among CSOs, experts,and stakeholders working onclimate adaptation.

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strategies towards encouraginginnovation among Africanyouths, as well as sharingsuccess stories and bestpractices.The youths facilitated focusedsessions on Setting Priorities forAccelerating SDGs in Africa.Envisioning Africa’sContributions to the SDGSummit.The Pre-COP28 Civil Society Organisations Meetingpresented a unique opportunity for stakeholders tocollaborate, develop a common position, and articulatetargeted messages for COP28 and other pertinent climate-related forums.The objective of WWF/UNICEFcollaboration in Zambia is to supportthe co-create a youth-led advocacystrategy for igniting a child andyouth-led climate action movementin Zambia. The strategy aims to buildon challenges and solutions mappedin the May 2023 meeting on the YouthAdvocacy Training. Additionally, at the workshopparticipants brainstormed at kickstarting the planning of an inclusiveYouth Forum on Climate Changewhich is planned as a key strategicmoment to kick start the youngpeople led climate action movement,taking place ahead of WorldChildren’s Day, LCOY, COY andCOP28. The Youth Forum will be aplatform where young people getskills to start climate adaptation andclimate advocacy activities in theirown communities across the country.The forum will also inform advocacygoals ahead of and during COP28. CO-CREATION OF CHILDREN ANDYOUTH LED CLIMATE CHANGEADVOCACY STRATEGY ANDIDEATION OF A YOUTH FORUM TOKICK-START A NATIONALMOVEMENT (WWF-UNICEF)VCA ZAMBIA PARTNER ZAMBIA CLIMATE CHANGENETWORK HOST CSO COP28 PREPARATORY MEETING Zambia Climate ChangeNetwork hosted CSOs,Government Ministries, PrivateSector, Academia andResearchers for a two-day Pre-COP28 engagement meeting inLusaka to establish a unifiedstance among CSOs on criticaltopics and themes relevant toCOP28 discussions and also toSeptember 2023 NewsletterThe highlight of the discussion was how best youth andyoung people can tap into private sector investmentopportunities for young people to develop green businessesthat accelerate the achievement of the SDGs. Making profitswhile doing good to society.provide comprehensive updates on COP27 outcomes,specifically focusing on holding the governmentaccountable for its climate-related commitments andactions.Acting Principal-Climate Change & Mitigation under theMinistry of Green Economy and Environment, Mr HerrickMwewa identified the fulfilment of agreements at COP by the global North as a pressing climate challenge that has to be dealt with urgently as we go to COP28.

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The Nairobi Summer School onClimate Justice (NSSCJ) is aninitiative pioneered by thePan-African Climate JusticeAlliance (PACJA), and is currentlyco-coordinated with KenyattaUniversity based in Nairobi, Kenya. The School is designed to providea timely opportunity forlong-standing scholar-activists,community-based scholars andthe younger generation ofclimate justice advocates, as well as practitioners from theGlobal South and North. The summer school participants shared experiences, exchanged perspectives and collectively reflected on just,equitable and inclusive pathways to a low-carbon, climate-resilient development trajectory using modules that aredesigned in practical and uncomplicated ways.VCA Partners from Zambia were therefore selected to attend the 14 days of intense learning on climatejustice to strengthen their understanding of identifying the gaps in attaining climate justice. Theirfocus towards the NSSCJ is harnessing the Pan-African context of climate justice and linking it to thelocal youth partners they are engaging with.Partners actively participated and engaged in learning sessions and group work to bring out theZambia context of climate change and the need for youth inclusion.September 2023 NewsletterSDI ZAMBIA DOCUMENTARIESBY KNOW YOUR CITY TV YOUTHMOVEMENTKENYAmA Green space garden Kenyama Plastics solutions for World Environment dayVCA ZAMBIA PARTNERS COLLABORATE WITH PANAFRICAN CLIMATE JUSTICE ALLIANCE (PACJA) ON YOUTHCLIMATE JUSTICE SUMMER SCHOOL Mr. Mwewa also showcased Zambia's efforts in advancingthe country’s Climate agenda in line with the UNFCCCprocesses that Zambia has agreed to and government hasperfectly tabulated its NDCs, the NAP and is in the processof pushing for the Enactment of the Climate Change Bill.

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In the heart of the Gran ChacoAmericano, in 40 isolatedcommunities, lives a populationof resilient and strugglingwomen who face multiplechallenges in their daily lives.Read more...Deep within the earth, whereancestral secrets and stories ofthe past intertwine, a powerfuland essential network emergesthat has woven its invisiblethreads into the PACHAlandscape. Read more...Step into the world of East NusaTenggara's local heroesthrough the captivating lens of'Climate Witness.Read more...The tranquil expanse of LakeKariba in Siavonga, Zambia, wasthe perfect canvas for atransformative journey thatetched a new chapter into myworldview. Read more...September 2023 NewsletterLunggi Randa (63 years old), is aMarapu traditional leader.Besides being a Maraputraditional leader, LunggiRanda is also a farmer inKambata Wundut Village, LewaDistrict, East Sumba District,East Nusa Tenggara Province,Indonesia. Read more...The Women Federation fromYogyakarta represented VCA aspanellists in a session entitledBuilding Partnership inSanitation, at the 21st NationalCity Sanitation Summit.Read more...In a special corner of Bolivia liesthe community of San Manuel,where the courage anddetermination of Nardi Velascoshine brightly.Read more...In the community ofMotacusito, a group of womenled an important initiative inDecember 2022.Read more...Deep in a territory awash withlocal stories and experiences, agroup of young indigenouspeople have found their voice.Read more...Stories of change

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September 2023 NewsletterIn the community of Motacusito, a group ofwomen led an important initiative in December2022. Read more...Imagine a region, called PACHA, where technologyhas become a crucial tool to prevent fires, warnabout adverse weather conditions. Read more...Local partner roundupHanan CallejasMy name is Hanan Callejas. I amfrom La Paz - Bolivia. I studied SocialCommunication and GraphicDesign. Currently, I am working for VCABolivia/Paraguay from AvinaFundactión, which motivates me tomeet people worldwide.My motto is: “Working every day tohave a sustainable world.”Acceso is a new VCA partnerthrough Avina, which has theinstitutional support of theJournalist Foundation. It willsupport the preparation of a 15-year database on water quality inthe Trinational basin of thePilcomayo River. Acceso is amultidisciplinary team ofjournalists, water experts, anddata analysts that will generateempirical evidence on the levelsof contamination in thePilcomayo to inform thepopulation and policymakers.Boliviawelcome to VCA

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September 2023 NewsletterFood Systems Symposium concept noteFood Systems Symposium will be hosted by AMwA Zambia Partners (WLWF, CTDT and ZAW) inLusaka from the 25th to the 26th of October. This meeting has been set as one of the activities tobuild up to COP28. Download concept note.survey report by WLWF on indigenous knowledge This survey report was developed from research done by WLWF on indigenous knowledge andhow it can be used to adapt to the impacts of climate change. Download the report.publications and resourcesBOLIVIA: Youth from the VCA regionmotacusito: the power ofinformation in the hands of womenDownload this publication Download this publicationevents and opportunitiesupcoming eventsMeeting of youth organisations with forest management plans 4th Interregional Youth Meeting"The Voices of Indigenous and Afro-Bolivian Youth for Climate Action.

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September 2023 NewsletterHivos, in collaboration with Danceurs Citoyens de Sud, the Observatory of Food Sovereignty andEnvironment, Collectif Creatif and Stop Pollution Movement, will organise the Climate Justice ArtFestival in October 2023. Artistic Residencies in three different disciplines will take place inSeptember 2023 to produce artworks that will be presented during the festival. More details will becommunicated at a later date. 3-4 October: VCA 2-Day Virtual Week hosted by WWF-NL. This event aims to update and inspireabout the essence and positive experiences of VCA. Based on the themes of ConnectingMovements, Nature-based Solutions and Green Finance, the two days will include interactivesessions, presentations, panel discussions and Q&A sessions between VCA and the WWF network.Register here by the 3 October. More information about this event will be posted on the VCAwebsite.OpportunitiesNature Positive Partnership: call for applications for funding The Nature Positive Partnership has opened a call for applications for funding through the NaturePositive Delegation Programme (formerly the Solidarity Fund).The Nature Positive Delegation Programme is an opportunity for entities representingunderrepresented groups with NbS expertise (including youth groups, Indigenous peoples, localcommunity groups, and small local media organisations) to obtain funds to attend COP28 and toshowcase their work on nature. The programme seeks to support entities seeking to drive positivechange with nature-based solutions. See application form and guidelines.22 September: VCA, Impulsouth, and Resilience Hubare hosting an informational webinar entitled How toEffectively Engage at COP28: Introduction and advicefor new participants. This event takes place at 8amEcuador/ 10am Brazil/ 3pm SAST. The session will berecorded and simultaneously interpreted in English,French, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and IndonesianBahasa. Register here.5 October: Webinar - Carbon Projects | Exploring climate finance and project developmentopportunities in Africa. Time: 11am-12pm EAT. Register here. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION IN JOSAE FROM NOV. 29 UNTIL DEC. 3, 2023The Observatory for Food Sovereignty and the Environment organises its fourth Food Sovereignty andEnvironment Days (JOSAE) and invites you to participate actively. The JOSAE is a five-day, four-nighttrip with the participation of activists, researchers, journalists and students. Register here. Last registration deadline: 20 October 2023Participation fee: 100 DT per person | Participants representing an NGO or a media: 200 DT | Students:50 DT. More information will be posted on the VCA website.

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VCA is set to effect the amplification of locally-shaped climate action and play a pivotal role in the global climatedebate. For more information about the programme, our agenda, and how to collaborate with us or if you haveinspiration or tips, please contact us at or visit our website present a complaint related to the VCA programme you can write to grievance@voicesforclimateaction.orgor use the grievance mechanisms of the individual Alliance partners. Please indicate the reasons for yourgrievance, date of occurrence, proposed solution and contact to follow up.#JustClimateAction. Together.Share this newsletter to inspire your networkSubscribe to get regular updates on how we work.Follow us on Twitter , Linkedin and youtube@WeAreVCAwww.voicesforjustclimateaction.orgSeptember 2023 NewsletterWant to contribute to the newsletter? We are always on the lookout for new engaging content. If you havesomething to share, whether it is a story, a piece of research, an opinion piece or a great photo, reach out to Karen Morris at